Chapter Forty Five

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  Your fingers hovered over your scroll for the fourth time today. How did you do it? How did you breach the topic of convincing Jaune to give up being a huntsman? You couldn't. He had proven that time and time again. So the real question was, how did you keep him out of the line of fire? He wouldn't make for Shade just because you asked him to. You sighed and rolled over in your sheets. You'd have plenty of time to talk on your little field trip, but that was it. You were running out of time. You let out a grumble and crawled out of bed before throwing some clothes on. You didn't have an answer, and you didn't want to think about the worst-case scenario. You threw Char over your shoulder before heading out. It shouldn't be hard to find some kind of distraction.

   The bar was empty except for you. It was far too early to be drinking, but the place made an extra buck by selling food. You ran your finger over the rim of your glass while you moped, chin on the bar.

   "Something troubling you?" the bartender asked, pushing a cup of coffee in your direction. You poured the remainder of your drink into the coffee before taking a sip.

   "Nothing I want to talk about," you responded. Bartenders were always friendly when you were alone, but loose lips sink ships and you didn't want to give anything away. Intentionally or... otherwise. The bartender offered a grunt in response before pouring himself a coffee and taking a long drink.

   "If you don't tell me, I'm going to take a guess," the bartender said. You weren't paying attention. Instead, your eyes focused on the cup of coffee in front of you. What if you got him expelled? That could work. Theoretically. Pretend like it wasn't your fault and get him into Shade? It was an option. The bartender scrutinized your face, looking for any sign that would give him a hint. He thought for a moment before settling on,

   "You've been dumped."

   "No," you responded.

   "You've been diagnosed with something terminal," he tried again.

   "No,'" you said, more insistent this time.

   "You got a girl pregnant?" He tried a third time.

   "Gods I hope not," you responded before sitting upright. Cinder? Pregnant? Now that was a mortifying thought. Having to raise a kid? You shuddered. Cinder wouldn't make for the best mother but you certainly wouldn't make for a good father either. You slammed your coffee, doing your best to rid yourself of the sensation. You didn't want kids before but now? That certainly wasn't an option even if you did. You paused for a moment. Why were kids with Cinder such a terrible thought? Not now but someday... you were stuck with her, at least for a little while weren't you? Your feelings about her had never been more twisted, but... You told yourself that you didn't need to lean on her, or anyone, but the sensation that you couldn't handle life alone gnawed at you. You paid for your drink in silence before standing and heading into town. You did your best to suppress the thought but it lirked in the edges of your mind. A small part of you wished you had just died in Thorne with everyone else.

   You weren't sure how long you had been walking, lost inside your own head when the explosion drew you back to reality. It couldn't be further than a mile from you, with how loud it was. You weren't sure how long you stared at the cloud of smoke rising into the sky before someone rushing past you bumped into you. People were running. Something was wrong. You drew Char off your back in one fluid motion and started running towards the problem. Whatever else you had done you were still a huntsman. You had to help.

   You rushed into the square to pure pandemonium. Grimm were in the city. That shouldn't be happening yet. Not by a long shot. You froze up. Were you making your move early? Your eyes scanned the square. Team RWBY were scattered about, holding off spawn and beowolves. A king taiijtu reared up across from you, preparing to strike Ruby. You hefted char, prepared to charge, and were nearly knocked to your feet as Nora charged past you, killing the taijitu in a single strike.

   "What are you waiting for?" A venomous voice called from behind you, "You're a huntsman, aren't you?" you looked over your shoulder, knocked eyes with Cinder, and gave her a quick nod. You quickly closed melee distance with the nearest beowolf, tossing it into the air in two pieces with one upward slash as a few others joined the battle. Cinder's team. A few of Ironwood's tin soldiers, some older students you didn't recognize. Jaune seemed to be holding his own on the other side of the square. You made sure not to turn your back to him as you strode through the battlefield. You tore two spawn in half before pulling chill from char and flicking the blade in the opposite direction, slashing a beowolve's eyes out. You quickly resheathed the blade and brought it down in one fluid motion, crushing the grimm beneath its weight. This was easy. Too easy. What were the chances that they'd actually succeed when they went to take Beacon? You shook your head free from the thought. You couldn't care less about taking Beacon. It was all about Ozpin for you. You rested chill across your shoulders as you searched for stragglers. Those older students had cleaned the battlefield up pretty well. You gave Jaune a quick glance as he rendezvoused with team RWBY before giving you a quick wave. You let out a sigh and turned to leave before Goodwitch realized you were here, almost walking straight into the team leader of those older students.

   "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there," you said, taking a step back.

   "(Y/N)?" the girl responded, her eyes hidden behind a pair of aviators.

   "I'm sorry have we met before?" you asked.

   "Gods, it is you!" the girl responded before hitting you on the shoulder, "I thought you had quit. Either that or died! I haven't seen you since Balur!"

   "Balur? I haven't thought about that place in years... wait, Coco?" you asked, a smile starting to spread across your face.

   "The one and only! Hah! I was starting to think you had forgotten me," Coco responded, "you look different, I mean really really. Different."

   "You're one to talk. If it weren't for the glasses I wouldn't have recognized you!" you said, no longer fighting the smile that had risen to your face. How's life girl! How long have you been at Beacon?"

   "A couple of years," Coco said as she started to head towards the larger group, "I was already in combat training and after what happened with Pat I guess Beacon seemed like a good way to follow in his footsteps." You nodded as you followed.

   "I'm not surprised you got in. I saw you on the field. You handle that gun like you were born to it," you responded. You talked with Coco for a while as you returned to the group, sharing small stories and explaining that you had transferred to Shade. Eventually, Jaune and his friends joined you.

   "Do you two know each other?" Blake asked.

   "Her brother was on my team," you explained.

   "Pat?" Velvet asked.

   "Yeah. They made one hell of a team. Their old Vytal festival matches were something to behold," Coco responded.

   "Oh! Oh! Which one is he!" Nora asked as she took the picture of your team she had found out of her jacket and held it up to Coco.

   "The one on the left," Coco responded, "But I have to ask, why do you have a picture of them?" The conversation drowned out around you as you looked at the photo in Nora's hands. What the hell were you doing. What the hell would they think? You found it unlikely that any of them would be doing the same in your position. It had been so long since you had looked at any of their faces that you hardly recognized them but... you didn't recognize yourself either. Your vision started to swim as more questions, more regrets began to pool inside you. You weren't sure how long you stood there staring at that little photograph before a pair of slender arms wrapped around your neck and pulled an all too familiar body against you.

   "(Y/N), darling, aren't you going to introduce me?"


A/N: Hey y'all what's up. Been a while but at least its not been as long as the last break huh? Hopefully I can at least get them out at this speed(no promises if I get this job I've been applying to though). As always I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you next time. Boop!

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