Chapter Eight

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You were going to vomit. You were one-hundred percent sure that this monstrosity was going to make you lose your lunch. Gods, how you hated flying. Couldn't you have just taken a nice boat? But Nooooooo, Qrow had already purchased bullhead ticket. You did your best to slow your breathing as you placed your off hand on the cold window in front of you and wrapped your (F/C) cloak around your main.

Close your eyes, breath in, count to four, breath out.

"Hey, are you okay?" A distinctly masculine voice asked you. You turned away from the window to look at your concerned classmate. He had brown hair and literal rose-tinted glasses. He kept his hair in a very short mohawk and had a, well you're not quite sure how to describe it. A cannon? Yeah, cannon was probably the best word. He had a cannon strapped across his back.

"Fine. Just. Motion sickness," You muttered out in response. Behind him a man with dark skin and even darker hair approached. He had a pair of revolver-swords and drew a canteen from his hip.

"Here," The man offered you a drink of water, which you accepted gratefully. You managed to down half of the canteen before responding,

"Thanks. I'm (Y/N)."

"Glen," The dark skinned man responded, "And this is Dusty." Dusty offered you a handshake before turning and heading down toward the exit of the bullhead.

"Maybe we'll see you around?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe," your answer was quick as your stomach did its best to jump out your throat. Not today! I refuse to throw up on my first day! You gritted your teeth and leaned against a wall as the bullhead landed. One more sudden lurch signaled the end of your flight. You sucked air in through your teeth and departed the bullhead.

"It's... huge," you spoke quietly to yourself as students pushed by you. Beacon was incredible. It looked more like a castle fit for a king than an academy. You shuffled off to the side to get out of others way as you took in the glory of the academy.

"Bit of a country bumpkin, aren't ya?" An unfamiliar voice asked. You turned in the direction of the voice to see a tall man with a tower shield and a spear. He was fair skinned with brown hair and a pair of designer sunglasses on his face. "Name's Pat," he extended a hand in your direction.

"(Y/N)," you responded as you took his hand, "good to meetcha. I was a little worried about the whole new meeting people thing, so thanks."

"Ehh, thank longshot. She's the one who like meeting new people!" Pat ran a hand over his spear, practically massaging the damn thing.

I have a feeling this guy might like his weapon a little too much... you thought to yourself. "Riiiiiiight."

"Are you gonna introduce me?" Pat asked as he eyed Char, practically drooling. You let out a sigh as you unbuckled Chill and handed the blade to your new strange companion.

I have a feeling that I'm going to be here a while.

"...and the interlocking mechanism? Phenomenal! You simply MUST introduce me to your mechanic, whoever they are, they must be a genius!" Pat asked as he followed you like a little lost puppy.

Gods, shoot me now. You thought. "Actually, I designed Chill and Char myself," you said without thinking, immediately regretting your words. Shit. "But I was barely involved in the actual forging-" Pat was already gasping,


"Enough." A stern voice interrupted Pat. You turned to see a man with a head full of grey hair and a mug of... Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? You weren't entirely sure what he was drinking but you could see the bags under his eyes. You mouthed a 'Thank you' as he began to confront Pat, lecturing him about keeping both other students and members of staff up. You slipped away into a corner and ducked into your sleeping bag, letting exhaustion overcome you.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now