Chapter Forty Four

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  Your morning began the same way it had for the last four days. With a slight buzz coming from your scroll, and a light snore coming from Cinder. You wormed your arm free of her grasp and reached for said scroll, flicking it open to messages.

Jaune: Hey, did you catch our dance at the... well... dance? We were the stars of the show, but I didn't see you anywhere.

Jaune: Hey did you take off early the other night? Nobody saw you towards the end.

Jaune: Are you good? Haven't heard from you in a couple days.

Jaune: (Y/N), you're scaring me.

  You groaned as you read the message. Your absence was suspicious. That meant you had to respond. Well, either that or turn back. You could still turn back. Tears started to well in your eyes and moments later, almost sensing your distress in her sleep, Cinder pulled closer to you, wrapping her arms around your torso. You sighed and responded quickly.

(Y/N): Sorry, lost my charger. Yeah, I'm good, just making preparations for our little field trip.

Jaune: Oh, that's good. Sorry about the messages I was just getting worried.

(Y/N): It's fine. Is team RWBY coming too?

Jaune: Nah they have their own mission in Mountain Glenn

(Y/N): Cool. More time for you guys! See you in a couple of days.

  You dropped your scroll back on your bedside table without a second thought, letting out a light sigh as Cinder snuggled closer to your back. Your scroll responded by buzzing again immediately. You flicked it open.

Jaune: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Jaune: You're doing okay, right?

(Y/N): I'll be A-okay brother. See you soon.

  "How long do you think you can keep that up?" Cinder said, revealing her awakened status, "fooling him, I mean."

  "He won't interfere," you responded, "he doesn't have it in him."

  "Sometimes," Cinder said, pausing for dramatic effect, "people surprise you."

  "I didn't," you responded. A light chuckle escaped Cinder's lips,

  "No, I suppose you didn't."


  Jaune stared at his scroll screen. Something was most certainly wrong with his brother.

  "Hmm," Jaune groaned through pursed lips. But what did he do about it? They had been apart for so long he felt like he barely knew him. "Hrmn," he reiterated to himself. He couldn't just ignore it but what if it made things awkward on their trip. Should he wait till after the trip? "Ughh," escaped his lips as his head hit the library desk he was sitting at.

  "Having some girl trouble, ladykiller?" Yang asked as she walked past the disgruntled boy, giving his hair a light ruffle.

  "Mhh-mn," Jaune responded as he shook his head, still on the desk, "It's (Y/N)."

  "Oh," Yang responded as she pulled up a chair next to him, resting a hand on his back, "Wanna talk about it?"

  "Ideally I'd like him to talk to me, but I'll take what I can get," Jaune said, "something's up with him. I can tell but he won't tell me what it is. And Ruby saw him the night of the dance and she said he looked... haunted. Distressed maybe? Whatever was up with him he wrecked the elevator up to Ozpin's office."

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