Chapter Twenty Six

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  "Mercury, I will kill you," Emerald spat.

  "Kinky," Mercury quipped, leaning back in his chair. Cinder Fall, embodiment of femme fatale, literal goddess, and half maiden was currently stuck listening to the bickering of two teenagers. Ordinarily at times like this she would go to Junior's club, however the place had been thoroughly smashed. It was the only club where she knew no one would dare stand against her, should they even figure out who she was, because it was run by Junior. And now with the place nothing more than a pile of rubble Cinder Fall had nowhere to go and noone to spend the night with. Her eyes involuntarily drifted to her scroll, which was sitting a few feet away.

  No, dammit! Cinder thought, I will not go back to a huntsman! She just couldn't risk it. He might have been fine between the sheets but all huntsmen had sharp minds. If he even caught a whiff of her trail then she would be in serious trouble. She would just have to deal with it.

  "Bitch!" Mercury shouted before tackling an empty space of air while Emerald stood a few yards away, using her semblance to confuse him into attacking nothing. Neo sat a few feet away, her legs swinging over the edge of the table that she was planted on. A devilish grin spread across her face before she hopped down, umbrella in hand. Cinder relented and grabbed her scroll before walking out of the warehouse. She was not going to put up with this today.


  "You're the Commander who couldn't hold the line long enough for (Y/N) to get to safety!" Joan shouted, "I can't believe I'm stuck working with you of all people!"

  "I didn't fail to hold anything, I chose to blow the tunnel behind me!" Winter retaliated, "It came down to just his life, or all of my men's and I chose them!"

  "You think that affects my opinion of you!" Joan spat.

  "I think it would affect his," Winter retaliated, her voice calming as she started to breathe deeper. Joan squinted in response.

  And what does that mean? Joan thought, is there something (Y/N) isn't telling me? Joan shook her head free of such thoughts before sighing. "Look, just show me around the wreckage. We can tear each other's throats out later," Joan said.

  "Very well, follow me," Winter replied.


  "This is (Y/N)," you said as you picked up your ringing scroll.

  "Hey, (Y/N)," Cinder's voice replied from the other side of the line.

  "Cinder?" You asked confusedly.

  "Don't sound so surprised, I did give you my number after all~" Cinder said in a sing-song voice.

  "Yeah, although you didn't seem too enthusiastic when you left," you replied.

  "Do you care?" Cinder asked. You paused, remaining silent for a moment.

  "I suppose I don't. I just started making dinner, I guess I'll make enough for two," you said finally.

  "That's alright, I can just come over afterwards-" Cinder started before you held the phone to the wok in front of you, letting the sizzling noise go through.

  "Hear that? You're too late. Food's already cooking so you might as well enjoy it," you replied.

  "Very well, I will be over momentarially," Cinder sighed as she closed her scroll. You chuckled to yourself as a glob of fat and grease spat out of the frying pan, staining your shirt.

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