Chapter Thirty Nine

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   You drudged towards your apartment, barely managing to clear the last of the steps. It had been one helluva week. After returning team RWBY to Beacon the break started and you had to see Ruby and Yang back to Patch, Ozpin had wanted to debrief you, and worst of all you had been running cleanup on the Torchwick's goons who had gotten away. Just seeing his face made your scars burn, but at least you knew where he was. And through it all the break was almost over, and all you had to look forward to was an empty bed and more paperwork. You could practically hear Goodwitch in your head, chastising you for not getting your mission reports in on time. Your scroll buzzed. You fumbled in your pockets for a few moments before pulling out your keys.

   "No," you said to yourself as you kept searching. "No," You reiterated as you dropped your wallet. "No," you muttered as you pulled out your flask. Finally, you pulled out your scroll and fumbled with your lock screen. "Yes?" you asked.

   "This is Junior. I have what you asked for," you heard Xiong's voice say on the other end. You didn't think he would still be in business after what Yang did to his club but here he was, piling more work on your plate.

   "I'll be by to pick it up sometime later this week," you responded as you flicked your scroll closed. Another thing to do. Another task to take up your time. Another thing to ensure you didn't get distracted. You finally threw your door open with a satisfying grunt as you slipped inside your apartment. With all the work piling up, it was unlikely you were going to get any sleep tonight.

   "Surprise~" A familiar voice sang from your bed, her scantily clad figure just below your covers. Cinder let out a giggle as you lost your cloak and dropped your things to the floor, closing the distance between the two of you before kissing her passionately. Well, you suppose it wouldn't be too bad if you got just a little distracted.


   "Good morning~" the same sing-song voice from last night called out to you, waking you from your slumber.

   "Good morning," you replied, flitting your eyes open with a yawn. Cinder's face was inches from yours, her black hair strewn about. Sunlight that shone through your curtains, dappled her face, drawing your eyes to hers. A pair of lustful amber orbs that pierced into your soul.

   "I was debating whether or not to let you sleep, but it's my understanding that you're teaching now," Cinder said with a predatory smile, "and I have to get to my dorm sooner or later."

   "So you did qualify. You're here for the Vytal tournament?" You asked.

   "Of course, this is me we're talking about," Cinder replied, "Come on, get up. There's a whole day waiting for us, you know."

   "Hmmmmm, can't we just enjoy the moment for a little longer?" You said with a smile as Cinder rolled over, scooting into your arms.

   "Fine, just a bit longer," She whispered as you ran your fingers over her back tattoo, letting the seconds turn to minutes as you enjoyed each other's company, no sounds interrupting you save for the morning birds and the noise pollution of the city.

   "Alright," you finally broke the silence as you sat up, "I suppose there's a whole day ahead of us. Might as well start it right!" You got to work in the kitchen, pulling flour, eggs, milk, and a few other ingredients out as you put a large pan on the stove, starting to pre-heat it. Your grabbed cinnamon and peanut butter next, mixing them into a bowl with the other ingredients until you had a nice thick mixture, perfect for pancakes

   "Oh my, god, I think I love you," Cinder said as she sat back, "or, at least your cooking." You let out a hearty laugh at her antics.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now