Chapter Forty Three

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   The sound of your boots clacking on your floor barely registered as you paced back and forth. You weren't sure. It could be someone else. But it looked like her. And you had to see her, again, tonight. You could make up some excuse, not go, get drunk instead, perhaps. But she would know something was wrong. She was expecting you now. And you honestly weren't sure if she knew that you knew. A quiet knock on your door fell beneath your notice as your pacing grew more intense. So you had to. Your other choices were unacceptable, but if you went and it really was her, she'd know by the end of the night. She'd make you tip your hand. The knock came again, more insistent this time. So you tipped your hand. You'd bring Chill and Char and stuff them in one of Ozpin's rocket lockers. And maybe she'd know that you know by the end of the night, but if she did, you'd know.

   "Uhh, (Y/N)? You in there?" Jaune's voice came from the other side of your door.

   "Jaune? Is it five already?" you asked back as you opened the door for him.

   "Yeah, sorry. Do I look okay?" He asked awkwardly.

   "Hmm. Pretty good, but-" you said as your ruffled his hair a bit, "you should let your hair be a little messier. You're a huntsman, not a lawyer."

   "Ugh, no stop I spent an hour doing my hair!" Jaune said as he battled against your arm.

   "Does that mean I shouldn't do... this?" You responded as you threw your other arm around your brother and gave him a noogie.

   "You're insufferable," Jaune said as he wormed his way out of your grasp.

   "I love you too. Shall we get going?" You asked.

   "Yeah," Jaune said, "And thanks for driving me to the bullhead."

   "Anything for my favorite brother."

   "I'm your only brother."

   "Same difference."


   "Is everything prepared for tonight Emerald?" Cinder asked.

   "Yes Ma'am," Emerald responded, "Everything should go according to plan."

   "Like clockwork," Cinder said as she applied mascara.

   "Did you find what you were looking for?" Emerald asked as she gestured to the paper on her boss's desk.

   "It was, illuminating," Cinder said as she reached for her lipstick, "I understand more than I could ever need to."

   "I'm glad I could be of assistance, Ma'am," Emerald replied.

   "I'll have to send Leonardo a fruit basket. He has no idea just how much he's lent to the cause," Cinder said before applying her lipstick. As she finished her makeup routine a hum rose in her throat. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.


   "Nora. Stop jumping on the bed," Ren said. She had been at it for hours now.

   "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm just so EXCITED!" Nora shouted with one final jump before landing on her back, "Ooh, do you think (Y/N) will wear the outfit we picked out for him? And what about a lady friend, maybe he'll bring someone? Do you think he's a good dancer? Most huntsmen are rather graceful but sometimes when they get to the dancefloor they just have two left feet."

   "Yes, considering that he bought it, no as it is a school dance only students and faculty should be there, and I don't know," Ren replied, "We'll have to wait and see." Nora let out a gasp before speaking again,

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