Chapter Fourteen

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  You were nervous. It showed. Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead as you fiddled with the edge of your cloak. You had passed your classes and sure enough, just like she promised, Joan came to collect you. Dusty and Glen were staying in vale with their mechanic. Pat was visiting his little sister. Your team was split up which meant that you were going to have to face them alone.

  "Here," Joan said as she offered you a drink of something brown. You gulped it down gratefully. A burning sensation soon rose in your throat, informing you that whatever that was was alcoholic in nature. Hopefully, it would calm your nerves.

  "Thanks," you said as you wiped your lips with your sleeve before passing Joan her glass back.

  "You alright?" She asked as she set a hand on your back. You recoiled instantly,

  "I'm fine." Joan sighed at your response. You still had some animosity after what happened. Now you found yourself in need of answers and comfort, and she wanted to provide both. Too bad she missed her chance.

  "You know, if you don't learn to forgive-" Joan started. You cut her off immediately,

  "How are we going to prepare Jaune?" Joan sputtered at your question, visible confusion playing across her face.

  "We aren't? I don't want him dying and he missed his chance to go to combat academy-"

  "Because of you! I wound up hurting myself trying to chase that dream and I don't want the same thing to happen to Jaune! If we don't prepare him-"


  "-so much could happen to him!"

  "(Y/N)!" Joan shouted, bringing you back to reality. "He's already given up." Her words crushed you. Had he simply grown out of it? Changed his priorities as he got older? Decided it wasn't for him? Or, had he been forced away? Stopped from moving forward because of you? Been locked away where he couldn't cause trouble? Your understanding must have shown. "You have to understand-"

  "How could you! This is what we always wanted to do and you decided to roadblock him too because it was dangerous? After what happened to me?"

  "Because of what happened to you!" Joan shouted, "We thought you were dead! We just wanted to keep the rest of our family together!" An icy chill crept into your voice,

  "Are you going to give it up?" Joan didn't respond. "Give me Crocea Mors." You locked eyes with her silently as your bullhead landed. A single word didn't leave her mouth as she unbuckled the blade and handed it to you. The doors to the bullhead opened slowly. Jaune had come to greet you along with Saph and a dark skinned brunette you didn't recognize. You walked straight past your little sister who had her arms outstretched and shoved Crocea mors into Jaune's arms.

  "What-" Jaune started before you grabbed him by his hoodie and started walking away from the town.

  "Congratulations Jaune, today's your lucky day," You said as you pulled the boy toward his future.


  "Who's this?" The woman with the full grimm mask circled you like a predator as you approached. She was easily six feet, although her boots might have given her an extra inch. You sheathed Chill, making an attempt to show that you weren't a threat. The woman circled you still.

  Maybe I should be focusing on losing dead weight? You thought as you dropped your bear skin the the ground. The more you looked at your surroundings the more you were sure that these weren't the original inhabitants of this village. There were people in chains all around, and boxes were being carried out by hand.

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