Chapter Five

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"What? No!" You crossed your arms and sat back down.

"C'mon kid, it might work this time," Qrow quipped, a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"I am not letting you electrocute me!" Since the start of your 'training' three weeks ago Qrow had devised a number of tests to determine your semblance including but not limited to: Throwing you off the roof, having you fight a number of grimm, working you to exhaustion, shooting at you while you tried to hide, throwing objects of various materials at you, and most recently, electrocution.

"Come ON what if your semblance is electricity based," Qrow said, inching closer with a cattle prod in his hand.

"I will have to live without it, because I'm not letting you electrocute me!" You replied. Qrow inched closer still, seeing how close he could get before you spooked. You leapt off your chair, rushing toward Crocea Mors, but Qrow was faster. He put himself between you and your weapon, lunging with the intention to shock. You dodged the blow and pushed the rod away as you backpedaled, right into the kitchen. Qrow followed you in, step, by step, putting himself between you and escape, and he knew it. You would have to come to him. You reached behind you. Surely there was something you could use on the counter-

"Kid! The stove!"

What about the stove? You ran your hands behind you still, searching for something to use, only to come up empty handed. Qrow dropped his cattle prod and rushed over to you. You tried to evade left, but you were too slow. Qrow wrapped his hand around your wrist, bringing it up to inspect before gasping,

"That's It!"

"Huh, what?" You replied, making no effort to hide your confusion. Qrow answered your question by holding your hand over the stove. It was still red-hot from cooking earlier. Qrow then, plunged your hand downward, slapping right on top of the searing burner.

"No!" You started squirming, trying to break free before your hand turned into a blackened mess. Only the pain never came. You looked at your hand. It was directly on top of the burner, it should be a painful mess, but it wasn't. Qrow released his vice grip on you. Nothing. The stove felt slightly warm at most. Qrow then reached for your other hand, taking it in his own.

"Brr, chilly," Qrow said.


"You're cold to the touch, kid," Qrow said as he pressed the back of his palm to various points on your body, "everywhere you're cold as ice."

"So, what I'm immune to heat? That's pretty cool."

"If you were just immune to heat, why are you cool to the touch? Doesn't make sense. It's more like," Qrow seemed pensive for a moment, "like you steal heat from other things."

"Where does it go, then?" You asked.


"Well, the heat has to go somewhere, right? So what happens to it after I absorb it?" Qrow's eyes went wide at your question, "Come with me, kid, we've got some testing to do."


You had missed the rendezvous. You were the only human left in this city, now. Everyone else lay dead or had made it to the northeastern entrance. And now you were alone, in a city teeming with grimm, without enough heat to make so much as a spark. A few beowolves rushed you, determined to get an easy meal. With a flick of your wrist you cut them in half, causing six half-beowolf corpses to drop to the ground and begin smoking. To make matters worse, the sky was lost. Nevermores, manticores, and the occasional pack of gryphons flew over the city, tearing down everything they found. The north exit had fallen in the soldiers' retreat. The west was where the grimm were coming from, and the east was currently being torn to shreds. That only left one place left to go. South. You paused for a moment, considering saying a prayer before deciding against it. After all, this mission had been proof enough that there was no such thing as a merciful god.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now