Chapter Ten

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Qrow followed behind you. It was an odd sensation, leading in front. Usually whenever you were with Qrow you followed closely behind him. No matter what you were doing, be it training, weapon maintenance, or simply walking to class Qrow walked in front. But he didn't know where your dorm was, which meant you leading the way. You heard the unmistakable sound of a flask sloshing as Qrow took a drink of his whiskey.

"Do you still have that flask I gave you when we discovered your semblance?" Qrow asked, "The one you would use to train by keeping it liquid?" You answered his question by reaching inside your cloak and producing the flask, before shaking it to confirm that the water inside wasn't frozen.

"Of course. How could I throw away a keepsake from my favorite teacher?" You smirked. You returned the flask to its resting place inside your cloak. You had gotten so good that the flask was usually still a liquid when you woke up. Usually.

"What are your teammates like?" Qrow asked, speeding his pace so that he could walk beside you, instead of behind you.

"Talented," you responded. "Dusty has a literal laser cannon as his-" Qrow chuckled and ruffled your hair,

"No I mean how do you get along? Are they good people? Any tragic backstories that I should be aware of?" It was your turn to chuckle. You were close with your team but you were still their leader. Some days you felt like you were herding children. Technically, everyone except Dusty still was a child, and he had only turned eighteen last week.

"I get along well enough. Pat, my partner, can be childish at times but he usually means well. A little naive and too easily excitable, but not a bad person," you started. Qrow listened silently. "Glen tends to be a little bit of a teacher's pet. He's very by the book while I'm a little..." you trailed off.

"Burn the book?" Qrow asked.

"Yeah, that." You paused before continuing, "Dusty seems the most mature of us. Sometimes I wonder why he isn't the leader. He spends more time with his girlfriends than with us sometimes, which might be a problem for training, but whatever."

"Wait, girlfriends as in plural?" Qrow asked. You sighed. You hated having to explain polyamory to people.

"Yes. He has-" You stopped yourself before counting on one hand. Qrow chuckled at the sight. "Four partners," you continued, "he's good at long range with that cannon of his but I wonder what will happen if anyone ever closes melee."

"If?" Qrow asked, "so no one has ever done it before?" you shook your head.

"His cannon kinda destroys weapons, so we usually fight him bare-fisted. One dude came really close, but he took a shot to the chest and got his aura dropped into the red." Qrow 'hrmmed' in response. "Whatever, you can ask them yourself. We're here." You opened your team dorm to reveal Glen and Dusty giving Pat a pedicure and manicure, respectively.

"Very intimidating."

"Shut up, Qrow."


"VASHEDAN!" You struck the flint against Chill once more, sending sparks flying into the wood shavings sitting on a wet log. You were going to make a fire if it took you your whole life. If you had simply ended your fight with the sphinx instead of drawing it out you might not be in this situation. But nooooo, you had to be so cruel and savor your victory. You couldn't just put it to rest. You struck Chill again, grumbling as you tried to start a fire. A fox yipped at you from the shadows.

"Shut up, I'm doing the best I can," you looked at the creature's reflective eyes. It rolled over, yipping like a human would laugh. "You think you can do better? Get over here and try!" you threw Char at the fox, who scrambled off into the night before returning to the task at hand. You were going to start this fire, even if only to spite that damn fox. "Gao yang jong duh goo yang!" You struck the flint against Chill one last time, sending sparks into the wood shavings and starting the fire at last. You gasped and huddled against the flame, taking in all the warmth possible and shielding it from the wind with your body. Soon the fire would grow and once it did you would have everything you needed to hunt some food. Maybe that fox that howled at you earlier, although you would prefer something a bit larger like a-

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