Chapter Fifty Four

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  "Everything all right, kid?" You asked Emerald as you waited for the fight to start.

  "Just. Perfect," Emerald responded, unmoving. Her eyes were focused on the coliseum. You scanned the surrounding seats, looking for threats. A few notable figures sat nearby, including General Ironwood himself, but nobody posed an immediate issue. He wasn't exactly focused on the two of you.

  "Just get it done. No complications," You replied before leaning back, taking a long drink of your flask, letting it empty. If you were dying tonight you were dying drunk. And if you died tonight because being drunk made you too slow, or too sloppy? You could live with that too. So to speak. You briefly returned your attention to the fight

  "This is going to be so much fun!" Penny shouted, earning no response from Pyrrha. You did your best to fight the bile rising in your throat.

  Hard to live with, Ain't it? Look at how hopeful Ironwood's pet project is. Nothing but bolts and scrap metal and yet she's more full of life than- You silenced your inner monologue by biting the inside of your cheek. You wanted to scream at it but couldn't afford to be seen acting like a lunatic. Just a little longer now. Just a little bit longer and you could drop your mask. Penny and Pyrhha traded blows cautiously, testing each other's defenses.

  "Just get it over with..." You muttered under your breath. Mercury was keeping Ruby busy. Cinder was waiting for you in the city. All that mattered now was this. Pyrrha was skilled, a one of a kind combatant. And Penny was a war machine. All you needed was the right attack. It didn't take long. Penny raised her swords, all of them, and Emerald did her work. Altered the scene. All it took was a thought and Pyrrha took a step back, terrified. When Penny surged forward, Pyrrha sent it all flying back.

  "We're done here," Emerald said as the crowd erupted into cries, Penny's ruptured body laying lifeless. You stood in one swift motion, drawing your hood around your body as you made for the exit. Ten seconds and Cinder would be talking. Twenty and people would be rushing out in a panic. You needed to get Emerald and Mercury out before that happened. A few others were on the move too, but it didn't matter. By the time they realized what was going on, it would be too late.

  "This is not a tragedy," Cinder's voice boomed over the loudspeaker

  No, too soon, You thought to yourself as you grabbed Emerald's arm, dragging her through the crowd.

  "This was not an accident," Cinder continued.

  "Too soon, too soon," You muttered to yourself as you pushed harder.

  "This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians,"

  "MERCURY!" you shouted over the footsteps echoing around you. Mercury turned to face you, scanning the crowd for your location.

  "Mercury!" Emerald echoed, finally drawing his eyes to you. He rushed over to you, helping part the crowd of panicked civilians that was blocking your path.

  "But are, in reality, nothing more than men," Cinder's venomous voice continued. You could practically hear her smile.

  "Emerald, glad to see you two are-" Mercury started before you interrupted,

  "Bullhead. Now." If you were still here when the crowds really started moving, you'd be trampled to death.

  "Lead the way," Mercury said as you started rushing to a bullhead secured by two Atlas tin cans.

  "Our Academies' Headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both," Cinder's voice continued to incite panic. It wouldn't be long now.

  "Please wait for," One of the robotic soldiers started to speak before you drew Char, slamming the blade into one before turning it on the other, tossing them off the hangar edge.

  "Emerald, tracking beacon. Now," you said as you got behind the controls and started a systems check, "Mercury, Watch the door." Emerald didn't respond as she pried a panel off the co-pilot side and reached in, grabbing the tracking beacon and cutting.

  "They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference," Cinder continued. A crowd began to approach the bullhead as you took off, leaving them behind. You quickly altered the IFF signal, identifying yourself as a white fang vessel as you headed toward Cinder.

  "And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither," Cinder continued.

  "Just keep talking a little longer," you muttered as you chewed on your lip. White fang bullheads carrying Grimm zoomed toward Beacon, letting you pass without issue.

  "Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves," Emerald looked out the window as Cinder spoke.

  "It's already starting..." You chanced a look out the window at her words. Grimm were already rushing the kingdom border. From up here you could see the goliaths in Mountain Glenn closing the distance to the kingdom wall. And the confused masses were just watching the screens that should have been spitting out an alarm.

  "As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is... equally undesirable. Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark," As Cinder spoke once more you pulled the ship to a stop, disabling the iff and opening the door. Emerald and Mercury hopped out quickly as soon as you set her down, and it wasn't long before you followed, listening to the last of Cinder's speech in person.

  "So I ask you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?" Cinder asked with a smirk as you stepped towards her, staring you down with glowing golden eyes. "You got them here in one piece. Good," Cinder said.

  "I live to please," you replied with a smirk.

  "You always do," Cinder said as she stepped forward, gently caressing the side of your face. It was finally the beginning of the end. You could almost taste it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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