Chapter Sixteen

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Glen's POV

  (Y/N)'s cloak was thick and durable. The pin kept it in place easily, and the (F/C) fabric draped on the ground behind me. Downsides of being short, I suppose. We were halfway through the mountain range. Thorne was only two days away, assuming we didn't get snowed in. I let out a sigh and sat up. Our plain campsite fire was nothing more than dying embers that Pat and Dusty huddled near, asleep on eachothers' shoulders. Pat almost looked like a guardian angel with his metal wings wrapped around Dusty. But one person was missing. It only took a cursory glance to find him. A nearby snowbank with a flat rock at its peak. Alone. Quiet. Edgy. I let out a sigh as I made my way over to him silently.

  "I thought you were going to wake me up for second watch?" I asked. (Y/N) nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning on his heel and drawing that small sword of his. After locking my brown eyes with his (E/C) orbs he finally relaxed, clutching at his chest as he sheathed his weapon.

  "Couldn't sleep. Figured I should keep watch if I'm going to be up anyways," He responded as he sat back down on his rock. He looked cold. I knew that it wasn't possible, but he still looked cold, even if he wasn't. His arms wrapped around him like he was trying to keep the heat in. And his teeth chattered ever so slightly.

  Oh, the thought finally occurred to me, he's afraid. Maybe a little lonely. I let out a sigh as I climbed the snowbank. "Scootch," I said as I plopped down on the rock next to where he was. Resigning to his fate, (Y/N) let out a sigh and made room for a second person. As I sat I unpinned his cloak and threw it around his shoulder, linking the two of us beneath the blanket. We sat there in silence for a time. Watching as the snow fell down below the moon and into the white expanse before us.

  "Can I be honest with you, Glen?" (Y/N) finally asked.

  "Hmm?" I hummed as I slid closer, using (Y/N)'s shoulder as a pillow.

  "I'm scared. I'm more scared than I was when Ozpin launched us off that cliff, or when I had to fight my sister, or when I ran away from home. And it's not just the fear of failure or the grimm. I'm scared I dragged you all into this! I'm afraid that I didn't explain the stakes well enough, or that I should have refused the mission for your sakes. When I came to you, the second you heard that I was going, you all were in. It didn't matter what the objective was or if you thought we were prepared, you couldn't just abandon your leader. But, I keep doubting myself. Wondering if I made the right call. And now that we're here, I feel like nobody knows the stakes, not really. Like every time I told you we could die it had no effect. And yet here we are, treating this like any other training mission. And I'm afraid that this is my fault." (Y/N) looked down to me for advice, or any response. It was a shame then, that I had fallen asleep already. (Y/N) let out a sigh, "Good talk Glen."

  "Alright pack it up, I want us down those mountains before nightfall," (Y/N)'s voice broke me from slumber. I was still sitting on the rock from the night before. I instinctively reached for (Y/N)'s cloak only to find that it was no longer around my shoulders.

  "Hmm whaa?" I muttered as I rubbed my eyes, bright light reflecting off the snow. I had just woken up and I was already cold. Wonderful.

  "Sorry about the lack of a cloak. I had to move your head in your sleep and figured it's be best if you had a pillow," (Y/N) said with a knowing smirk on his face. He made a show of rubbing his shoulder as he stretched and did his morning routine. I only then noticed the folded cloak that we had been using for a blanked the night before. Only now it was a pillow.

  Why did he have to move my head? He was talking about being afraid and then... memories of last night finally returned as a blush quickly rose to my face. Did he ever go to sleep? Did he spend the whole night without moving me? Or did he move me as soon as I was deep asleep? My blush deepened at the thought of sleeping on his shoulder the whole night.

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