Chapter Thirty Four

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  Cinder fall sipped at a glass of something amber in color as she rode towards her underling's outpost. Roman. Fucking. Torchwick. He had done well in cutting Vale's dust supply off. When she made her move, the country would be woefully underprepared. Entire armies would be deprived of dust. But none of it would matter if she couldn't keep that ant in line. Half the maiden powers were hers and with time, the rest would fall into place. Each and every piece on the playing board would be swept away. Branwen. Goodwitch. Ozpin. Names of those who would no longer stand against her before the end of the year. Arc. The last name burned in the back of her head, a constant reminder of the little huntsman she had let get too close. Or perhaps, just close enough. She swirled her drink as she continued the rest of the ride, creating the beginnings of a plan. A way to take two pieces in one swift move. A light grin slipped into the corner of her mouth.

  Oh, this is going to end gloriously.


  You grunted as you pushed your shoulder into the bathroom wall. Your last night had ended unexpectedly. And by unexpectedly, you mean in a trap. The building being condemned should have warned you to stay away. The lack of people, however, was inexcusable. Sloppy. It wasn't something you could allow yourself to do. You knew how mistakes ended, better than most, and this one had rewarded you with a piece of rebar in your left shoulder and a dislocation for the right. You pushed your right shoulder against your bathroom wall again with a grunt, doing your best to pop it into place. The bruising would fade in time, but there was no way you were getting that rebar out until you had full use of your right arm. If your aura activated reflexively and it started to heal prematurely... you didn't want to think about that. You weren't going to think about that. You braced yourself one last time as you began one final push, when a loud voice called out, startling you.



  "Roman!" Cinder's voice spilled over with venom as she stalked towards Torchwick, her glass shoes clacking on the concrete floor.

  "Sorry sweety, had I known you were arriving, I would have done dinner, maybe even cooked the dishes-" Torchwick's over the top performance came to an end as she grabbed him by his ascot, yanking him down to her level and bringing a searing heat next to his face.

  "Woah Woah Woah there hot stuff, I'm not sure what I've done to offend but I assure you it was never done with the intention of you finding out," Torchwick joked, flame inching closer to his face.

  "You haven't done anything. And that's the problem," Cinder sneered, "I hear you've let some vigilante intercept my forces for months now. And you can take one of two choices. Your death, or his."

  "Yes, Ma'am. I'll handle this," Torchwick said, serious for the first time in their conversation.

  "How. I'll need more than an empty promise this time Roman."

  "In all my life I've learned one lesson the hard way. The best way to stop a pest is with a trap." Cinder tapped her fingers against her chin thoughtfully, before letting out a,



  "Aah!" You shouted as you slipped, the voice startling you. A quick "FUCK!" followed as your shoulder hit the ground, popping back into place.

  "I-I mean mister Arc! Are you there?" The voice came again.

  "Jao Gao," you whispered under your breath before shouting, "Give me a minute! I'm in the bathroom." You yanked the annoying piece of metal out of your shoulder, letting blood splatter the tiled ground before taking out your flask and pouring some Tequila over the wound. "I hate my life~" you sang, doing your best to keep your mouth busy so that it wouldn't scream. You threw on a white T-shirt and activated your aura, letting the wound heal. Your bruises and cuts shone through the white easily, even staining it in the case of the latter. You walked to your front door and threw it open to reveal the one and only Pyrrha Nikos. Several questions swam through your mind. You settled on "how did you find me?"

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