Chapter Four

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"This is it. Welcome to patch, kid," Qrow took a deep breath of the morning air as he stepped off the bulkhead, seasalt and dew filling his lungs. Patch was both rural and by the sea, truly there was nowhere else like it. The morning sun filtered in through the trees, shades of red and yellow mixing with the green. You stepped off the bulkhead, breathing deep, and emptied the contents of your stomach into the nearest trash can. If you never rode on a bulkhead again, it would be too soon.

"Uncle Qrow!" you were vaguely aware of a girl in a red hood throwing her arms around Qrow's neck as you heaved over the trashcan long after your stomach was empty. You did your best to blow your nose and wipe your face with a handkerchief while your back was still turned to the girl. You didn't want to look like a mess in front of your teacher's family.

"Hi there shortstack, how's things?" Qrow asked as you finished cleaning yourself.

"Things are AWESOME! You never visit did you bring me a present, did ya?" You finally got a chance to examine the girl as you turned around. She was short with black hair and a too-big red hood. She couldn't be older than eight.

"Nope," Qrow replied, popping the p as he ruffled her hair.

"Uncle Qrow!" you had a severe sense of deja-vu as another girl, this time with blonde hair and an orange scarf flung herself around Qrow's waist. This one was slightly older. Ten, most likely.

"Hey firecracker, staying out of trouble?"

"Pfft, haha no!"

"That's my girl!" As qrow chatted with his nieces, a scraggly man with blonde hair and a five o clock shadow rushed you. You almost had a panic attack as he approached,

Dad? How the hell did he find me? What is he doing on patch? You instinctively grabbed the hilt of crocea mors before hearing the man speak,

"Girls, you can't just run off like that! You know I can't keep up!" You relaxed at the man's voice. He was undoubtedly, not your father. His eyes and hair were the right color, but he had a tattoo that you know your father did not share. As if his fashion sense didn't give it away.

Who the hell wears cargo shorts?

"Sorry Tai, I guess they just like me more," Qrow chuckled as he slowly walked towards his friend, Tai, while trying to carry his two nieces. Tai, the first of the three to notice you, asked,

"Who's this?"

"This is my Apprentice. Come introduce yourself kid," Qrow said as he passed a whining red-hooded niece back to her father. Funny, they didn't look very alike.

"O-oh! I'm (Y/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you all!" You said as you did your best not to appear nervous.

"Well, the very idea of a mini-Qrow walking around scares me, but it's a pleasure to meet you as well," Tai replied, "will you be staying for dinner? Your apprentice is more than welcome to come too." Ruby let out a gasp,

"Can I be your apprentice too? Please please please please please?"

"Maybe when you're older shortstack, and no we have to go into town to get set up." Qrow said as he untangled his other niece, "maybe some other time."

"Aww," Both girls said simultaneously.

"Suit yourself. See you around, Qrow," Tai finished as he walked away, a daughter in each hand.

"Your family seems nice," you said. Qrow shrugged at your statement before heading towards town

"Come on kid, it's this way," Qrow said as he turned away from his family.

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