Chapter Twenty Three

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  A knock on your door drew your attention away from your dishes You looked around for a clean shirt before simply shrugging and deciding to answer the door topless. You pulled on the handle to reveal an incredibly pissed Joan.

  "Well?" She asked

  "Well what?" You responded. Joan glared daggers at you.

  "I've been calling you all morning! Where have you been!" Joan thrust her fists down at her side, attempting to appear taller than she actually was. You sighed as you looked down at her.

  "I tend to mute my scroll when I have company, or if I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night," you responded as you backpedaled, "you should have left a message."

  "I should have- what's wrong with you! We have sensitive information to talk about I couldn't just leave it in a message!" Joan was on her tiptoes now, doing her best to look you in the eyes.

  "Look you could have just told me we needed to talk or to call you back, you don't have to-" you stopped as you heard something. Or rather, noticed the lack of something you should be hearing.

  "I don't have to what!" Joan asked. You matched her glare.


  "Don't you dare suggest-" Joan started before you cut her off.

  "Best not take it as a suggestion, then. Leave." You reiterated, leaning down into Joan's personal space and turning on your semblance, making it clear with the heat that you weren't joking. Joan scowled one last time before departing, leaving your door just in time to miss Cinder coming out of the bathroom.

  "Sorry you had to hear that," you said as Cinder picked up her clothes.

  "It's no trouble. Angry ex-girlfriend?" Cinder asked. You chuckled,

  "Hardly. Overprotective older sister."

  "Aah," Cinder said as she slipped into her clothes from the previous night.

  "If you want, I've got a Ironing board around here somewhere. Might make the walk of shame more tolerable-" you started before Cinder brushed past you and towards the door.

  "No, thank you," Cinder muttered.

  "Okay then. See you again?" You more asked than said.

  "Hmm," Cinder replied as she left. You sighed and leaned back on your bed,

  "I seriously doubt that I'll ever hear from her again."


  "You wanted to talk?" You asked as you strolled through downtown Vale, your scroll being held against your ear by your shoulder.

  "Are you sure you're not going to shoo me out again?" Joan asked.

  "Gods you're dense! I. Had. Company." you said into the scroll. Silence followed for a few moments before you heard Joan say,


  "Oh, now she gets it," you sneered, "just talk to me. What's the deal?"

  "Actually, I need you to talk to me. And doing on the scroll probably isn't the best idea either," Joan said.

  "I'm grabbing groceries right now. Meet me at my place?" You asked as you picked up a can of nutritional yeast, judging how much of it you would need.

  "Whatever. Don't take too long," Joan said as she shut off her scroll with a click.

  Well that was pleasant, you thought as you paid for your groceries and headed for your apartment.

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