Chapter Twenty One

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  "Thanks for coming, (Y/N)," the headmistress of Shade said as she led you down the halls of the academy.

  "I'm always available to see my favorite headmistress," you replied. The halls were empty. Summer break had started for those who still attended the academy. You, however, had already graduated.

  "Careful, (Y/N), Glynda might take offense to that," the headmistress replied. You chuckled at her joke before falling into a long silence. The only sounds were the clacking of your boots on the polished floor. "Here we are," she said, finally, as she approached a wooden door to one of the meeting rooms. She opened the door for you and you stepped inside, only to be greeted by Qrow Branwen, Professor Ozpin, and Glynda Goodwitch. There was also a brown-haired woman you didn't recognize.

  "Well then, let's get started, shall we?" Ozpin said as he sipped something dark from his mug.


  "I'm sorry, did you actually expect me to believe any of this?" You asked as you stood from your seat. Maidens, Salem, magic. It was utterly ridiculous. Qrow retrieved ten lien from his back pocket, which he passed to the brown haired woman, before standing and downing his flask.

  "I did. But, I suppose I'm alone on that," Qrow answered before dashing beneath the table and flying out the other side in the form of a crow. You stumbled backwards as the black bird looped up on top of the wooden table and hopped towards you with a loud,

  "CAW!" Next, the woman with brown hair stood and walked towards you before focusing for a moment. Her eyes lit with fire as she floated a foot off the ground before settling, her eyes going out as she touched the floor. The woman took her seat as Qrow turned back into a human.

  "You're serious?" You asked as you slumped your shoulders, using the back of the chair you had just been sitting on for support.

  "I'm afraid so," Ozpin replied. You put a hand over your mouth as you started hyperventilating, doing your best to calm yourself down.

  "Why tell me?" you finally asked, pulling your flask from your cloak as you spoke.

  "Because I need eyes out there," Ozpin said, "It's only a matter of time before Salem makes her move, and I know you can help."

  "You want me to what, spy on the grimm?" You asked. Ozpin smiled,

  "I'm afraid that that's currently Qrow's job. I need someone in the shadows to track down Salem's human allies." You took a deep breath before speaking,

  "When do I start."


  "Ohhhh fuck meeee..." you groaned. You were hungover, that much you were sure of. Your current location, previous night's events, and current bed partners, were a mystery, however. Wait, bed partners? As in plural? You thought as you examined the dark skinned shapes to your sides. Sure enough, you were currently sharing a bed with two separate individuals. A quick examination of their hands revealed that it was a married couple. The empty bottle of Vacuo Comfort whiskey answered the rest of your questions about the night. Got drunk, got picked up by a married couple, got drunk again. You untangled yourself from the mess of bodies currently wrapped around you before sliding into your clothes from the night before, turning off your semblance as you drew your cloak around your shoulders. You laced your black combat boots up before creeping down the stairs quietly, doing your best to not wake anyone up.

  "Are you one of my parent's business partners?" an unfamiliar voice startled you, causing you to fall backwards with a yelp. "Geez, what's your problem mister?" The voice asked again, revealing herself as she looked down at you. The girl was wearing blue pajamas and had a pair of horns protruding from her forehead. That coupled with her dark skin meant she must be the couple's daughter.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now