Chapter Forty Nine

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Pyrrha fell to her knees instantly, dropping Milo and Akuo where she stood as she brought her hands to cover her mouth.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She started as her knees gave way beneath her. You ran toward her immediately, leaving Chill and Char in the dirt without a second thought. You were beside Pyrrha in an instant, hand on her back, kneeling in the dirt.

"Jaune! Circle the perimeter! Check and see if there are any stragglers," You shouted. Jaune was just as much of a mess as Pyrrha. Whereas she couldn't move, he couldn't stop moving. He took a step towards her, and then a step away.

"What?" Jaune asked. He couldn't hear you. You had seen plenty of shock in your life and he was more stable than you expected. A strong hand fell on Jaune's shoulder as Hel walked up beside him.

"Let's take a walk..." Hel said sadly, pulling The majority of team JNPR away. Your own hand fell on Pyrrha's shoulder a moment later. She hadn't stopped crying,

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Over and over again, hands clasped over her mouth.

"Come on," you said, "Let's get you out of here." Pyrrha didn't respond, tears still sliding down her cheeks. "Can you walk? Your legs might be worse than you think." You wrapped an arm around her, helping the girl stand as you turned back towards town and the tavern, a place that could provide a hot meal and a warm bed if nothing else. Pyrrha leaned on you the whole walk, either out of fear or because her legs were jello. You politely pretended not to notice.


"It doesn't feel right, just leaving her there," Jaune said. He was having a hard time keeping silent. "We should go back, right? Say something, try to help. She shouldn't have to be alone right now." Hel sighed. He seemed to be handling it like she had the first time she'd seen death. The words just came pouring out and he seemed more stable than some. But she could tell. Inside, the boy was in just as bad a state as his red-haired friend was.

"(Y/N) is with her, I'm sure she'll be alright," Nora said. Ren nodded silently.

"But we shouldn't have left her behind," Jaune said. Hel took an extra step forward, catching up to the mini Arc before laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Jaune. Everyone deals with death differently. Some people need all the comfort in the world. But some people need to be alone," Hel swallowed hard before continuing, "When I first watched a man die I was the picture of serenity on the outside. Until the adrenaline wore off. But I couldn't stop moving and hearing what people were saying seemed impossible. That's how it affected me. But what I needed wasn't to talk to someone, I needed to be alone. To take time to process. To grieve. And once I had, I sought out my friends. My family. Then spoke to those I needed. That might be what Pyrrha needs. Or, it might not but either way (Y/N) and I got you out of there on purpose. If she wants to be alone she'll be able to. And if not, we'll see her once we get back to the tavern, and you all can cry together then, yeah?"

"Oh. That makes sense," Jaune said. He looked over his shoulder, back towards the town. Hel did her best not to sigh. The adrenaline was wearing off and soon enough he'd go to pieces himself. She could only guess why the green and pink ones were handling it as well as they were.


Pyrrha had a harder time with the stairs than normal. One hand on your shoulder. One on the banister. One step at a time. Two feet on the same step before going to the next. You didn't blame her. A fall down the stairs was the last thing she needed. The walk to her room was slow and agonizing. You led her to the edge of the bed where you set her down gently.

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