Chapter Forty Two

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   "Sorry I'm late team," you said as you entered the arena, jogging slightly as you made your way over to Jaune and Pyrrha.

   "It's alright, we've only been here a few minutes," Pyrrha said as she watched Nora and Ren spar. You dropped your duffel bag in Jaune's lap before taking a seat next to her,

   "That's good to hear. I hate keeping people waiting. Always makes me feel guilty."

   "What's this?" Jaune asked.

   "Open it," you replied. Jaune hesitantly opened the zipper while leaning away, fearful some prank was going to jump out at him. A gasp escaped his lips as he ripped the zipper the rest of the way open before reaching in and retrieving a vial.

   "Is this real?" Pyrrha asked as she reached over and grabbed a vial herself.

   "It's second rate, but yeah, it's real. With dust prices skyrocketing I figured you could use a little help," you replied, "Vials and crystals. Mostly lightning, but there's some other stuff mixed in. No bullets though, you'll have to hand load your rounds if you want to shoot the stuff.

   "I don't know if we can accept this..." Jaune said as he dug deeper and deeper into the bag, "how much did this cost?"

  "No clue, I've been collecting it over the course of a couple of years," you lied, "I never really use the stuff, except maybe to cause a distraction, so I thought it would be best if it saw some use."

  "In that case, thank you," Pyrrha replied.

   "Don't mention it. By the way, who's winning?" You asked.

   "Nora," Jaune and Pyrrha said simultaneously as you returned your attention to the fight. Yeah, right they were. Nora had Ren on the retreat, and it was only a matter of time now.

   "Told ya," Jaune said as Nora landed the final blow, knocking Ren off his feet and his aura into the red.

   "You were right," you said as Nora jogged over to you, "how's the practice going sparkshow?"

   "Fantastic! Nora said as she flexed her muscles, "Having some energy saved up for the start of the fight has really improved my odds! I've never felt better."

   "And I've never felt worse," Ren replied as he fell in behind Nora, "but I am glad to see her improving."

   "Well, it's important to work together as a team, so maybe I can help the rest of you?" you asked, "If you're willing to share?"

   "Not today," Ren replied.

   "No, sorry," Pyrrha said.

   "Nothing to share," Jaune replied with a shrug, "I still don't know my semblance." You laid a hand on his shoulder before speaking,

   "It's not always something you can be taught," you said, "sometimes you just have to wait for the right situation, and let it reveal itself to you."

   "Like me!" Nora shouted.

   "Oh? How'd you unlock your semblance you asked?"

   "It was a dark night when I was out, creeping through the woods," she started before Ren interrupted,

   "She got struck by lightning."

   "You're no fun."

   "Well, we can always work on something else if you want. How about disarms?" You asked.

   "Actually, Nora and I have to leave early," Pyrrha interjected.

   "You do?" You and Jaune asked simultaneously.

   "We're going dress shopping with team Rwby!" Nora added, "For the Dance!"

   "The dance?" You and Jaune ehoed.

   "You forgot?" Pyrrha asked.

  "Does it count as forgetting if I never go?" you asked, breaking your jinx with Jaune. Nora let out a gasp.

   "You've never been to a dance?" Nora asked.

   "I... can dance. I've just never had anyone to go with, nor any desire to go. School dances are... kinda lame." You responded.

   "Well, that has to change!" Pyrrha responded as she grabbed your arm, "You're a TA now, and that means that you don't have a choice!"

   "I don't think that's how it-" you started before Ren interrupted you,

   "It's important for faculty to set a good example for the students."

   "Jaune, help?" You asked as you looked at your younger brother over your shoulder. He simply let out a laugh and gave you a little push towards the door. You sighed and resigned yourself to your fate. Even if you didn't go, it didn't hurt to spend one afternoon with your brother's friends.

   "(Y/N)!" Ruby shouted as she saw you before running up to you, "save me!"

   "Oh no you don't," Yang replied as she grabbed Ruby by her hood, "You're not getting out of this that easy." Ruby looked at you pleadingly as Jaune grabbed your hood in a similar fashion.

   "Sorry, he's not here by choice either..." Jaune said as he and Yang began dragging the two of you towards the clothing shop.

   "Noooooooo!" Your helpless cries fell on deaf ears as you and Ruby were dragged towards a fate you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

   "Can we have a serious conversation as to how people dance in these!" You spat as Jaune buttoned up the red embroidered vest he had put you in. "I can hardly breathe!"

   "Just hold still!" Jaune replied as he worked on the last button, doing his best to fit you into the slightly too small piece of clothing.

   "And what is this ridiculous contraption around my neck?" You asked, "I can hardly breathe!"

   "It's called," Ren replied as he tightened said contraption even further, "a jabot. There. You should be good to go stand in front of the mirror."

   "Alright, alright let me out of here," you responded as you dragged yourself out of the fitting booth. You looked at your sleek figure in the mirror. The velvet vest was embroidered with a swirling pattern reminiscent of flames on the front, giving the vest a shifting appearance as you moved through the light. The white Jabot, however... "Nope," you said as you pulled the white cloth off your neck. It didn't match the black shirt and pants you were wearing anyways, nor the engineer boots you had on. "Whaddya think? Pretty slick, right?" You asked as you spun around and showed yourself to all of team RWBY save for the leader.

   "You look great, however..." Yang started as she walked towards you, "this needs to be popped!" Yang reached behind your neck and lifted your collar upwards, before smoothing the front of your jacket down.

   "Much better, thank you," You said as you reexamined yourself. You let out a light-hearted laugh. You suppose it wouldn't kill you to go to one dance. And as you stood there, smiling and happy at your pupil's antics, enjoying the sight of Ruby barely able to walk in her dress, and above all else, loving the way that Pyrrha looked at Jaune, the illusion of happiness shattered. Dancing involved two partners. And she was most certainly going to be there.


  (A/N): Ayy waddup people We're creeping towards the dance night and potentially, a confrontation with Cinder. As always I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you next time! Boop!

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