Chapter Nine

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You were awake first among your team. Dusty was an immovable blob buried under his covers. Glen was a light sleeper. He awoke at the sound of your feet hitting the floor. Pat was hugging his pillow like his life depended on it. The clock on your nightstand flashed 7:00.

One hour before classes. Might as well- The sound of the bathroom door closing and the shower turning on stalled your thoughts. Shower... you let out a sigh as you quietly unpacked. You didn't have much. Just a few extra sets of clothes and some cleaning oil for Chill and Char. You stopped when you reached the picture of you and your siblings. You should probably find a frame for it...

"Who's that?" Pat's voice startled you so much that you fell over, landing headfirst in the open suitcase before you.


"Sorry!" He replied, "I didn't mean to scare you." Dusty buried himself further in his covers as you two spoke.

"It's... fine. I was just reminiscing." You hoped your answer would satisfy him.

"Aren't you a little too young to be reminiscing?" Dusty asked from his place under his covers.

"I'm sorry did the blanket blob just speak?" You retorted, trying to deflect the question with humor. The blanked blob wobbled his way to the edge of his bed and shot out his hand, snatching a pair of clean clothes off the ground as he began to get dressed under the covers. You sighed as you began to get dressed too, spraying a can of deodorant under your arms before putting your shirt on. Showering was going to have to wait until after class for at least one of you. As you dressed yourself in the main room Pat made his way to the kitchen for some privacy.

"Oh Oum, dude!" Dusty cried as he turned around, facing away as you changed, "you could have warned me!"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I grew up sharing a room with my little brother. Guess I didn't think."

"I didn't know you had a brother. I'm an only child by blood, although Glen is my step brother. What about you Pat?"

"Younger sister. She's kinda annoying but we get along just fine," Pat responded. You smirked a little at his words.

"What's so funny?" Pat asked.

"Just one little sister annoys you? I've got six," you answered.

"You have SIX?!" Pat and Dusty asked, shocked.

"Six younger sisters, one older," You smirked as you put on the coffee pot.

"But... weren't there eight girls in that photo I saw you looking at?" Pat asked. You froze.

"You're mistaken."

"No there were at least eight. Show me again?" Pat took a full step towards you. You took a full step back before hissing,

"Don't." Pat took the hint and put his hands up.

"Alright alright, I'll leave it be," he sighed. You paused for a moment before folding the photo and putting it away inside your coat. You slipped on a pair of steel-toed boots as Glen left the shower. You left the room, hovering in the door frame for a moment before speaking,

"I'm heading to the cafeteria. Don't forget class is at eight." Glen nodded in acknowledgement as Pat and Dusty played rock paper scissors over who got the shower next.

"Blah blah blah, blah bla. Blah blah BLAH bla blah bla," Port droned on as you did your best to keep your eyes open while leaning against the window. Only Glen was actually paying attention. Pat and Dusty had forged a paper football instead of taking notes. Pat was aiming for the goal Dusty had made out of his fingers when he gasped and began wiggling.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now