Chapter Twenty Eight

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  "So, you have seven sisters?" Cinder asked as you blew on your coffee.

  "Mmhmm," you responded, "seven sisters, one brother, although I don't know the young twins very well. I was out of the house by the time they were born."

   "Huh, I can't imagine having to live in a house with eight other people, did you at least get your own room?" Cinder asked.

  "Nope," you said with a chuckle, "my brother and I doubled up. In fact, everyone shared with one other person."

  "Ugh, never before have I been so glad to be an only child," Cinder said with a look of disgust on her face. You shrugged.

  "It wasn't all bad. I liked the time I got to spend with them. I was second oldest but my older sister was out of the house most of the time because of school, so I helped raise them." Cinder nodded as she took a sip of her coffee,

  "Sounds like a pain."

  "They were, they were, but..." you trailed off, "we watched out for each other. All of us except for Joan, we protected each other. I was committed to their safety, whether they wanted it or not." You stirred your mug absentmindedly, thinking of how your last talk with Jaune went.

  "Sometimes you can't make people do what you want for them," Cinder responded.

  "Maybe," you said, "what about you?"

  "What about me?" Cinder responded.

  "Well you didn't have any siblings, but what about your parents?" You asked.

  "They were assholes. Not a lot of happy stories there," Cinder answered.

  "I'm sorry," you quickly changed the subject, "how're classes going?"

  "Tiresome. I'm stuck with a pair of annoying brats for teammates, and by the time this mission is over, I'll probably still be here for the Vytal festival," Cinder let out with a sigh.

  "Not a fan of Vale?" You asked.

  "No, not really. What about you? Do you ever miss Vacuo?" Cinder responded. You sighed,

  "I don't like Beacon, but I actually like the rest of Vale. The climate, the people, the food. I like pretty much everything about Vale."

  "I sense a but coming on," Cinder said. You smiled.

  "But. I have plenty of memories here I don't much like reliving. I lost my Beacon team back when Thorne fell, and walking Beacon's halls feels like walking with ghosts. It's why I transferred to Shade in the first place." Cinder nodded as she listened. "What about you?" You asked, "any particular reason you chose Haven academy?" A wry smile slipped onto Cinder's lips.

  "Believe it or not I actually chose Haven for its headmaster," Cinder said.

  "Truly?" You asked, "I've never had the pleasure of meeting Leonardo. He's the only headmaster I've never met, in fact."

  "He's a very hospitable man," Cinder said, "I would actually go so far as to say that he and I are good friends." You let out a laugh.

  "I would worry about people thinking I snuck in on a favor," you downed the last of your coffee after you finished speaking, "but to each their own."

  "This was... fun," Cinder said as she finished her own drink, "I've never really dated like this before." You awkwardly laughed.

  "Me either. Want to go again? Same day next week?" You asked.

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