Chapter Thirteen

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"Just hold on!" Joan was trailing behind you like a lost puppy while you did you best to push through the crowd as people asked for various things. Pictures, autographs, for you to have their babies. You know, the usual stuff. You needed to get to your team. From there it was just one bullhead ride back to Beacon... where Joan also went... who you would have to see most days... Okay, maybe it wasn't the best plan, but you were working on it. You would be eighteen by the end of the year and then you could maybe get an apartment in Vale? Focus on missions and spend as little time in class as possible. Of course if she told the family... assuming they didn't already know... you sighed as you rubbed your temples with one hand. "Please, wait!" Joan shouted from further back in the crowd. You would have to address the family issue eventually, just not today. You pulled out your scroll. Your team had already texted you,

Hey, already loaded up the bullhead back to beacon with your stuff. Meet us there? You rattled off a response as quick as possible before breaking free from the crowd and sprinting toward the airport.

"Am I the first one to arrive?" you asked Pat, your hands on your knees and panting.

"Um, of course not?" Dusty answered for him, "There are other students all around us." You sighed before taking one deep breath.

"I mean, have you seen my sister yet?" you clarified. Pat shook his head.

"Our room is on the back end of the ship. We can hide there for the duration of the flight," Glen said as he approached. You nodded before speaking again,

"Sounds goo-"

"And our champion has arrived!" Professor Port had noticed you, and was making his way over to you with a goofy grin peeking out from beneath his moustache. The entire bullhead turned to face you, students getting up and rushing over as they tried to lift you up.

"Oh no. Guys?" You panicked. Your team was nowhere to be seen. Fellow students clapped as a pair of particularly strong seniors set you on their shoulders. One person passed you a dark brown drink. "Is this Whiskey? I'm not even old enough to drink?" you tried to protest before one of the students shouted from the back,


"Oh," you muttered before throwing the drink back. You sputtered and rejected from swallowing the liquid. You have no doubt you would have spit it out of you hadn't closed your mouth in time. A gasp settled over the crowd. You swallowed again, slowly this time forcing the burning liquid down as your eyes watered. You coughed then, covering your mouth before wheezing out, "Oum that burns." The seniors cheered as one of the men holding you up ruffled your hair before putting you down. People cheered and high fived while shouting,

"BEACON! BEACON! BEACON!" A few fake smiles and excuses managed to release you from the crowd. You had to get to your room. You could just lock it, wait out the flight, and hide from Joan. Regrettably, howling laughter and snorts were coming from the room.

"You're serious? That's HIM?" You paused outside the door, holding your hand just above the handle. "He was just asking if we'd seen you, I'm glad you found us first." One of your teammates, Pat you think, was talking with someone while the other two could not stop laughing. You let out a breath before opening the door only to be confronted by Joan sitting at the table, holding a copy of the photo of you in a white dress, sisters surrounding you and Jaune on your lap. Pat was the only one who was coherent. Glen and Dusty were laughing messes.

"Leave. Now." Your voice was firm as you locked eyes with your team.

"Aw, cmon," Dusty started before you snapped, incinerating the photo in your sister's hand.

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