Chapter Nineteen

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  Qrow couldn't believe his eyes when he read the letter. He had attended the service for the lives lost at Thorne. He had been there when they put up a monument for team AAGD. (Y/N) hadn't been declared dead yet, but it had been three months since anyone had heard from him. It could be a cruel joke, but who knew about his involvement with the boy? His family had been there at the service with him. Balur was in the right direction, and to get there from Thorne he would have to pass through Branwen tribe territory. It had to be the truth, didn't it? Qrow had already asked Winter for a report on what happened. She had failed to hold the line long enough for (Y/N) to make it to the north exit. So what if he had gone south? Balur wasn't the nearest settlement but if you were simply wandering lost in the woods? It was most certainly possible. Qrow could ask her, if she would even listen to him. She already didn't like his personality and drinking habits. The fact that he blamed her for (Y/N)'s death most certainly didn't help. Not to mention the fact that she found out he had been (Y/N)'s teacher she had started muttering under her breath. What was up with that? What was going on with all of it? Qrow sighed as he took another look at the letter before him. If Qrow didn't go, he would regret it for the rest of his life. Qrow decided it was for the best, and pulled out his scroll and dialed speed dial.

  "Hey Oz, we need to meet."


  "The handwriting matches," Glynda said as she examined the letter Qrow had given her. Qrow let out a sigh of relief. "I would recognize that chicken scratch anywhere."

  "What do you intend to do if you find him?" Ozpin asked from behind his desk.

  "You still haven't given me permission to go," Qrow retorted. Ozpin sighed.

  "If Mr. Arc is indeed alive then we should most certainly rescue him, but why does it have to be you?" Ozpin asked. Qrow had been his main informant for many years now, and Ozpin did not like the idea of being left blind while Qrow went off on a wild goose chase.

  "Because we protect our own," Qrow shot back. Ozpin locked eyes with Qrow for a moment before resigning.

  "Very well. Take the boy's sister and her team with you as well. She'll most certainly prove valuable in the field," Ozpin said as he spun his chair back around to face out the window, "I'm sure she'll be pleased to learn her brother is alive."


  "That bastard!" Joan punched a hole in the nearby wall. "I'm going to kill him!" Joan pulled her fist out of the hole she had just made, letting pieces of drywall fall to the floor.

  "Simmer down Joan," Qrow said as he watched the girl destroy her house, much to the fear of her team.

  "Simmer Down? I knew this might happen and he went ahead and became a hunter anyways! And then he tried to teach Jaune of all people! We've been talking about whether or not to have him declared dead!" Qrow sighed. He knew the mindset all too well. If they don't become hunters they'll be safe. He might have bought into it once himself. But after what happened when Yang went looking for Raven he knew it was bullshit.

  "You can't stop him Joan, you can only prepare him," Qrow said. Joan rounded on him in a second,

  "Is that what you think? You think that you get to decide what's best for my family without my consent? That you can just steal my brother and lie?" Joan balled her hand into a fist, which she promptly threw at Qrow. Joan tripped immediately and Qrow capitalized on this by grabbing her arm and twisting it around her back before pressing her up against the wall, restraining her in an impressive hold.

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