Chapter Thirty Three

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  "So... I'll see you again?" You asked sheepishly. You had never been in this position before. You had never found yourself being left. Even all those years ago when you said goodbye to Hel, you had been the one to leave.

  "Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'll qualify for the Vytal tournament," Cinder said, "And even if I don't, I think I'll try and take missions in the Vale area from now on." As she spoke you saw a wry smile creep onto her face, "we'll see each other again soon, I'm sure of it."

  "Best of luck in Haven. And uh... I love y-" just as you finished speaking Cinder kissed you deeply, surprising you.

  "I love you too!" Cinder said as she walked away, waving her hand over her shoulder as she departed. Red flushed to your cheeks as you watched Cinder walk away. You were in love. Actual, genuine love. And she loved you too. When was the last time you blushed so frequently? Years? Cinder had almost brought your cheeks to a full flush many times but now as she was walking away you couldn't suppress the cherry red staining your cheeks. There was no doubt about it. You were most certainly in love.


  Cinder Fall was most certainly not in love. The boy was a means to an end, and nothing more. Sure, she cared for him. Like a pet. She most certainly did not love him, however. Cinder's heels clacked on the cement as she walked towards the car waiting for her. She simply enjoyed his company and his skills. And his hair. And that way he would fight a blush with everything he had. As though if he blushed the world would end. And how cold he was. Ever since she became a maiden she had constantly been overheating, but in his arms, it felt like he sapped that heat right away. Cinder slipped into the back of the car waiting for her.

   "Take me to Torchwick," she commanded.

  Okay, maybe he was more than a pet. But it wasn't love. It couldn't be.


  "This one will do," you said as you passed some lien to the salesman, running your hands over the hood of the car.

  "Are you sure, sir?" The salesman said, "A man like yourself can surely afford something more... sleek."

  "Just go get the paperwork," you let out a sigh as you examined the jeep. Three seats in the back, two in the front. And most importantly, it was offroad. You couldn't fly like Qrow, it was high time you got a car that would work just fine outside the four kingdoms.

  "Here you are, Sir," the salesman said as he handed you some paperwork. You quickly took it, signing it on the hood. You scroll began ringing as you signed. You quickly flipped it open, checking caller ID. Joan. You sighed before answering,

  "This is (Y/N)."

  "Hey. I've got something. Meet me in Oz's office in an hour?" Joan asked.

  "Sure. Give me a second, I'm in the middle of buying a car," You replied. Joan feigned a gasp,

  "Buying a car? What's next, you're going to go to therapy? Stop Drinking? Maintain a stable relationship? Become a model citizen?" You didn't respond, maintaining silence as you signed the papers. "I'll see you in an hour," Joan said before hanging up.

  The walk to Ozpin's office never changed. The faces changed, the scenery changed, the halls changed. But the walk itself? Never. It was intimidating. Walking the length of the school and seeing everything he was building. Everyone, he was training. And then, one helluva elevator ride to top it all off. When you finally entered Ozpin's office, you saw that Joan was already waiting for you.

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