Chapter Twenty Four

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  "You figured out who the guy is?" You asked Joan and Ozpin, who were currently on one side of a one way mirror. Ruby and Yang were on the other side, but they couldn't see you. Ozpin handed you a file on the offender.

  "His name is Roman Torchwick," Ozpin said. As soon as you laid eyes on him you began hyperventilating. Ozpin continued, "he's wanted for a very long list of crimes that I won't repeat, but for obvious reasons he can't be the person who stole our maiden's power. He's being bankrolled by someone, as to who I can't say." Joan's hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality.

  "Hey, you okay?" She asked. You clenched your fists.

  "No. I'm not okay. But at least now I know his name," you said as your scars began to burn like the day you earned them.

  "You know him?" Ozpin asked.

  "We met nine years ago when I ran away from home," you responded. Understanding washed across Joan's face as she reached for your back. Before she even touched you, she could feel it. The heat. You were sweltering.

  "(Y/N), you're burning up," Joan said. You reacted accordingly and turned off your semblance. You hadn't even realized that you were using it.

  "I'm okay. I'm okay," you said to yourself more than anyone, "Joan can you take the girls to my place? I'll catch you there."

  "Sure," Joan responded as she headed for the room the sisters were in. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "It's nothing," you lied. Joan left after that and collected Ruby and Yang before heading off towards your apartment building. You turned to Ozpin before speaking again, "we have a problem." Ozpin did not respond, instead choosing to simply raise one eyebrow. "Junior's is trashed and I don't know when, or if I'll hear from him again. We need to start doing things in a less 'official' way," you said, choosing to include air quotes when you said official.

  "What do you have in mind, Mr. Arc?" Ozpin asked as he leaned against the wall and took a long drink from his mug.

  "Let Joan work from the top down. She can go ahead and work with the feds, other huntsmen and the cops. Meanwhile, I'll work from the bottom up. I'll take to the streets and get some answers out of anyone I can get my hands on," your knuckles gripped white as you spoke.

  "You know I can't sanction that. Not officially. And I can't let it trace back to me," Ozpin replied.

  "You don't have to sanction anything. Just keep your eyes on the news. I imagine it won't be long until you hear about some masked vigilante," you turned your back on Ozpin and left. If Roman was involved, you were going to get your answers with your fists, not your words.


  "So, why are we here?" Ruby asked as you pan fried diced broccoli and chicken in a wok.

  "We're here," Joan said as she rummaged around in your liquor cabinet, "to celebrate your entrance into beacon!"

  "And Yang's here because she doesn't want to have to face your dad tonight," you added as Joan retrieved a bottle of sangria.

  "Yeah!" Yang said excitedly, "celebration and all that!" Ruby started making her way over to your bed to take a seat after setting Crescent Rose down next to Chill and Char.

  "You might not want to-" you started too late as Ruby sat down.

  "What?" She asked. You exchanged an awkward look with Joan.

  "Nothing, the sheets just need to be washed," Joan said.

  "Uhh, yeah. Bed's dirty," you said, "Just chill at the dining table for now."

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