Chapter Three

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"How bad is it?" You asked as the pseudo-leader of your group examined your back.

"It'll scar, but the bleeding should stop any minute now. I'm glad you did what I asked, despite what happened."

"I was an idiot. I didn't realize what they were going to do to me. If I had just thought-"

"You would have doomed us all." The faunus interrupted. "This bazaar will be open for three more days, which gives you three days to find help."

"How do you know that, and what do you mean me? We're trapped in here!" You responded, earning a smile from the group.

"We have sharper ears than you. As for how you're going to find help." A few of the faunus pulled up the floorboards of your prison. There were metal bars below serving as supports, with enough of a gap that some extraordinarily small people might be able to slip through. Not some people, you. There was no doubt in your mind that you were small enough to slip through as both the youngest and smallest member of the group. Your fellow prisoners surrounded you and set their hands on your shoulders, giving you reassuring looks.

"Please, find help," one asked. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding before slipping down the hole and disappearing into the night.

"Over here! I see footprints!" You broke out into a full sprint as a nearby voice indicated that they had picked up your trail. You were tired, your feet were bloody, and you hadn't eaten in days but you would not give up that easy. You pumped your legs even faster when you heard the sound of heavy footfalls behind you. You refused to be caught. You had to make it, you had to. And for a time, you thought you would. Your lungs burned as you ran, peeking over your shoulder to see one of the guards stop his pursuit.

Yes! I'm going to make it! You thought as you ran. You kept on believing that right up until you felt the arrow in your calf. You tumbled and fell, landing face first in the mud as you began to crawl, desperate to get away from your captors. Soon, you were forced onto your back by a man with brown hair, who quickly pinned your arms with his knees before beating you.

"Don't you ever run away again! Slim! Bring my my knife!" The man smothered you as you started to scream, relishing at the terror in your eyes. "Slim!" The man rose slightly, still pinning you, as he looked over his shoulder. You relished the terror in his eyes as you saw a silver blade with segmentation push through his chest, causing the man to die, screaming. The man who had been wielding the greatsword knelt beside you, scooping you up in his arms.

"My friends," you sputtered, blood seeping from your mouth, "they still have my friends."

"Easy kid, we found them first," The man said as he pushed his black hair out of his red eyes, "they told us where to find you."

"That's... good..." You said as you leaned into his chest, and passed out. The man turned on his tail and headed back in the direction you came, red cape swishing behind him.


Blaring sirens, much louder than the cannons, woke you. A startled Schnee withdrew herself from your chest,

"Okay, what the fuck is this."

"Ran out of ammo maybe?" You responded. The distant sound of a cannon firing answered your question. "I guess not."


"Huh choo-shung tza-jiao duh tzang-huo."

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now