Chapter Thirty

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  "Woah, watch it!" You said as you almost bumped into Jaune, "I almost spilled the gravy!"

  "Sorry, sorry," Jaune said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head, "Here, I'll take it to the dining room."

  "Thanks Lil J," you said as you returned to the kitchen, doing your best to manage all the dishes simultaneously.

  "You always did have a problem asking for help," Sapphron said as she turned down the stove top and took over stirring.

  "It's my character flaw," you replied. "In fact, I-" you started before Adrian crying interrupted you.

  "Crap. Tera, can you check up on Adrian?" Saph asked, shouting from the kitchen. Adrian's crying grew louder. Saph let out a sigh, "I'll be back in a moment." Saph turned around and almost made it to the door. Almost. In almost an instant Adrian was giggling and laughing.

  "Sorry babe, what were you saying?" Tera asked as she entered the kitchen. You and saph shared a brief look of confusion before leaning out the kitchen door, only to see Cinder holding Adrian, softly rocking him as she looked down on him smiling.

  "Come on. Let's get the rest of these dishes back to the kitchen," you said with a smile.

  "Is everyone ready?" Your mother asked as you took your seats. Swift nods were shared all around. "Joan, would you like to go first?"

  "Sure," Joan said, "I'm thankful that my mission got cut short early, so that I could be here."

  "And I'm grateful," Saph said, "that (Y/N) finally brought a date home."

  "Ditto," Tera added.

  "Hey!" You shouted while the rest of the table shared a laugh at your expense.

  "Well I'm thankful," your mother said, "for a cute little grandchild." She then gave Cinder a quick wink, "and hopefully a few more." You and Cinder shared an awkward laughed. Jaune bailed you out by speaking next,

  "In all honesty, I'm just glad classes are going well. Thanks again for the training."

  "I'm very, very, thankful that not all of you are blondes," Cinder said, "Meeting (Y/N)'s siblings was starting to strain my eyes." Tera stifled a giggle while you covered your mouth.

  "I suppose I'm thankful for getting to finally cook for all of you," You said next, "I learned a lot in life, and food always tastes better with company." You smiled sadly, "What about you, Glen?" Glen seemed pensive for a moment, unsure what to say. It seemed like Pat was going to bail him out before you hear a loud knock at the door. "I'll get it," you said as you slid out of your chair.

  "Kid, you in there?" A familiar voice asked from the other side of the door. You swung open the door to reveal Qrow, well groomed and sober.

  "Hey, come on in. Plenty of room," you said.

  "Are you asleep kid!" Qrow shouted.

  "What are you talking about?" You asked, "I'm right in front of... oh." You looked back at your family, your team, and your lover sadly before sighing. It was time to wake up.


  Your eyes jolted awake. Cinder was in bed next to you, still asleep despite Qrow's knocking. You dragged yourself out of bed, shirtless, before slipping on a pair of jeans and throwing the door open.

  "What is it, Qrow?" You asked.

  "Initiation starts in less than an hour. Get dressed. We're going," Qrow said.

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