Chapter Thirty Six

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   "Hello?" Cardin asked, looking down the alley behind him. He had sworn he had heard someone. He narrowed his eyes, doing his best to adjust to the dark light as he scanned the darkness. He had to get back to Beacon soon, and if he didn't he would wind up spending the night in Vale. The bullheads only ran so late, after all. "Is someone there?" He added as he fully turned around, gently resting his hand on his mace as he shifted his weight, preparing for a strike that never came. After a few more moments of silence, he let out a sigh and turned back around, only to come face to face with you.


   You had been tracking the boy for several hours now. Preparing for a confrontation when he was alone. The alleyway had been perfect, but he had almost spotted you when you scurried up onto a rooftop, your helmet accidentally scraping the edge of the roof. But now here you were, inches from him, bat in hand. And you could tell the boy was terrified.

   "P-please don't hurt me," he said as he drew his mace, stepping backward, "I don't want any trouble." You inched closer, twirling your bat while you spoke,

   "Well, that's going to be a problem. You see, trouble is my middle name, and everywhere I go I bring a little with me," you stepped forward and disarmed the boy with three quick jabs, grabbing his mace with your off-hand as you delivered the last one, tearing it from his grip.

   "What do you want from me?" the boy asked again as he fell backward.

   "Cardin Winchester, age seventeen. You learned something you weren't supposed to," You said, brandishing his own mace at him.

   "What are you talking about?" Cardin asked in a panic as he crawled backward

   "The transcripts, Winchester. I made them," you replied, watching the realization dawn on him. "If it ever got out that one of my transcripts had been discovered, it would be the end of my business. There's no way I would ever be able to forge anything else for my... select clientele," you continued as you advanced on him.

   "I swear I never told anyone. I never will tell anyone, please," the boy begged.

   "Convince me," you replied as you set the tip of his mace directly into the cobblestone in front of him. You locked eyes for a moment, and the boy pulled out his scroll and showed you something interesting that you didn't expect to find.

   "Daddy pulled some strings to get you in Winchester? Well, that's most certainly blackmail worthy. You can go now, and if you ever snitch to the cops, I will fucking bury you," you stated as you dropped the boy's mace on the ground in front of him before climbing back up the roof and heading home.


   Your alarm blared loudly, waking you for another morning of monotony. You rolled out of bed slowly, doing your best to control your hair with your fingers as you got ready for the day. You had two tasks before you, neither of which were easy, but both of which had to be done. You yawned and took a quick sip from your flask before you got started. Beacon was going to be a long walk, and you were in no mood to drive.

   "Hey! Wait up!" you called out as you sprinted after your target, pushing your way through the crowd. You slid as best you could between the people blocking you, rounding corners as quickly as possible to close the gap. She was only four feet away, and soon you would have her in your clutches.

   "Pyrrha stop!" you said again as you rested a hand on her shoulder.

   "Can I help you?" Pyrrha asked. If her tone was any indication, she was angry but polite.

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