Chapter Seven

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"And once again, Mr. Arc is the winner," Qrow said. A few people booed from the back of the classroom. It had been three years since you enrolled at Signal and you were the best of the best. Qrow's steady tutelage and a lack of friends at signal had made you good. When you have nothing better to do with your spare time, hunting grimm and working out tend to just fall into place. Qrow had tried time and time gain to get you to master a scythe over the years but you just didn't have the dexterity for it. "Remember, finals are next week. If you haven't started studying yet you're absolutely boned. Nothing I can do," Qrow added as students got up and shuffled out of the room. You stayed behind, sheathing Chill as you double-checked your books and pens.

"You're a real hero, teach," you approached Qrow who had slumped into his desk chair.

"They're not gonna do any better if I lie to them. Not to mention spite's one hell of a motivator," Qrow responded.

"I can't seem to recall you using it on me."

"You already had enough," Qrow finished. You opened your mouth to respond, but you conceded the point before you made a fool of yourself. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I'm just hiding from my fangirls," you answered.

"You know they hate it when you call them that," Qrow said. You grimaced,

"If they would stop acting like fangirls, then I could stop treating them like some." Qrow laughed at that,

"They just want to be huntresses, can't fault them for that."

"I know but the questions never cease!" You ran a hand through your hair, "where are you going next year, what's the hardest battle you've ever fought, how many grimm have you killed, blahblah bla blah bla." Qrow poured himself a half-glass of whiskey before taking a sip,

"About that, (Y/N)..."

"Hmm?" You asked

"You're a great fighter but your non-combat grades are lacking. With the way things are going-"
"I'm applying to Shade," You interrupted, an edge of finality in your voice.

"And you'll get in. They don't really care about non-combat skills. But there are other options," Qrow took another sip of his whiskey as he leaned back in his chair. After opening a drawer in his desk, Qrow produced an unsealed letter. "This is a letter of recommendation to beacon. And it's all you need. I send this, Ozpin will enroll you for the next four years, no questions asked."

"I'm not sure what to say..."

"How about yes?" Qrow asked, a goofy smile on his face. You took a deep breath before speaking,

"My family lives in Vale. If they find me I'm still a minor and still in their custody, not to mention that they'll do their best to lock me out of any opportunities of being a huntsman."

"Do you really think they'll recognize you after all this time?"

"I think that I don't want to take the risk." Qrow thought over your response before speaking,

"Beacon is the most prestigious combat academy. You'll only have to sweat out running into your family until your eighteenth birthday. I know for a fact that Ozpin will want to see you personally, and even if your family finds you," Qrow paused in hesitation, "Oz has ties in the government. He'll pull whatever strings he needs to to keep you. Please, If you go to Beacon I know you'll make a bigger difference." You bit your lip as you thought over Qrow's words. "Plus, once you turn eighteen you can go and find that brother of yours. Show him the ropes." You palmed Crocea Mors from its place on your waist absentmindedly.

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