Chapter Fifteen

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"You two going to be okay?" You mom asked you and Joan who were about to head out to the bullhead. Joan was heading to mistral for a mission after reuniting with her team. You, however, had plenty of boring classes before you got to do anything fun.

"Of course. We know what we're doing," Joan answered, placing a hand on her hip.

"I come from a family of hunters. It would be an embarrassment if I couldn't handle myself," You added, making a show of using the word family instead of lineage or parents. Your dad looked at Jaune when you did before sighing,

"Just, be safe son."

"Always." Your parents started heading back toward their van as the twins rushed you,

"It was good to meet you big brother!" They shouted simultaneously. You chuckled and ruffled their hair as two of your younger sisters took them in each hand and led them off as third chatted idly with Joan while Saph and Terra approached.

"Don't die out there. I'd hate to have to attend your funeral before you're even my brother-in-law." Tera said with a smirk.

"Oh my god Ter! Could you not!" Saph blushed while you shared a laugh with Tera. Tera offered a hand, which you responded to by giving her a huge bear hug and lifting her off the ground. It was Saph's turn to laugh while you set a confused Tera back down. And last but not least, Jaune.

"We'll get another chance to practice next break lil J," You said. Jaune laughed at the nickname. You hadn't called him that since you were very, very, young.

"I know I'm just gonna miss you," Jaune responded.

"You can practice getting used to this, in the meantime," You handed Jaune a wrapped brown package. Jaune tore into it without thinking, revealing a white breastplate and orange-white bracers. "It's a bit big, but you'll grow-" Jaune interrupted you with a hug.

"Thanks big bro," Jaune said, a little choked up. You patted his back.

"Anytime lil J."

"(YYYYYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNN)?" Glen called your name for a third time. You chose to ignore him again. You were halfway through your second year at beacon and you had been intentionally denied a mission outside of the kingdom. It didn't make sense, none of it! You were the best team at beacon. Not one of the best, not the best in your year, but the very best. And you were the only second year students currently stuck listening to Port's boring lecture. You had heard this drivel last year, they had just decided to stick you in a freshman class to keep you out of trouble.

"I mean, we should at least be training, right?" You asked to no one in particular. "Practicing something we can improve on. We know all this stuff already!" You were slightly too loud in your musings as Port turned in your direction.

"Mr. Arc, perhaps you should be teaching the class, seeing as you seem to have the need to talk so much."

"I would love to!" You spat as you hopped down to the whiteboard, causing several freshmen to descend into giggles.

"What the hell are you doing?" Pat whispered as you passed him.

"The first thing to note about a boarbatusk is its soft underbelly," you started while Port was still in shock, "always go for it if it's an option. Alternatively you can try and skewer it through the eyes if your weapon is thin enough!" You spoke in a voice mocking Port's own. "As always, blatantly lying about your own achievements is the very best way to teach others!" Port's brain finally rebooted,

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