Chapter Fifty

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"It was good seeing you again Hel. Hopefully, next time will be under better circumstances," you said, a genuine smile plastered across your face.

"Likewise armrest," Hel replied. Her voice was sadder. Morose. "You've got a good couple of kids under your wing. Don't steer them wrong."

"Being a bad influence is my specialty. But I'll try not to get anyone killed," you added. You stepped on the bullhead, strapping yourself into the pilot's seat and running a systems check.

"You gonna hold together kid?" You heard Hel ask. It was like her to worry over Pyrrha. Your stomach turned over as you thought about your plans. This likely wasn't the last death they would see. And you honestly couldn't say you were doing anything to prevent it.

"Hm? Oh, me? Yeah, I'll be alright," A voice that was distinctly not Pyrrha's replied. You checked the bullhead's cameras. Pyrrha was already onboard, it was Jaune who Hel was trying to comfort.

"Hey, your brother's a good man but do me a favor. Don't follow him to the ends of the earth. Talk to your friends. Go to therapy. Whatever you gotta do to heal you do it," Hel said.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll keep my head screwed on," Jaune replied.

"Hey if you've gotta let loose, let loose. Just find something healthier than becoming an alcoholic with violent tendencies," Hel clarified, an arm resting on Jaune's shoulder.

"I think I hear you. And yeah, I'm not going down that path anytime soon." You sighed in relief at Jaune's answer. Maybe you should have been offended but you knew she was right. Everyone always had been. Hel took a few steps toward the bullhead's side window and paused for a moment before turning around and heading back toward her village.

"Alrighty kids, this is your one-way trip to Beacon. Keep all limbs inside the vehicle at all times and remember, it is mandatory that you enjoy the ride back," you said as you raised the bullhead in the air. Only Nora let out a chuckle as you headed back to Beacon in near silence, an inverse of the previous trip.


"So. How did they do?" Glynda asked, heels clicking on the tiled floor.

"Some good. Some bad. But they're where they should be at for their level," you replied, "Did you look into finding some mental health assistance for Pyrrha?"

"Yes. We're looking into it," Glynda slowed as she spoke, allowing you to catch up next to her, "Don't beat yourself up. Letting the boy live was the right call."

"So I've been told," you sighed, "did you already read my report?"

"Yes. I was curious as to how you would handle students," Glynda replied, "handle working in a group."

"Oh. Thank you," You replied.

"What for?"

"Being honest. I don't imagine Ozpin would be so straight with me." Glynda frowned at your response.

"Maybe not. But everything he does he does for a reason. Don't forget. Ozpin has experience we lack," Glynda replied. You smirked before responding,

"I suppose so. And I guess I don't blame him." It took all of your willpower to smother the laughter building inside you. "The way he plays things close to the chest he'd see anything coming."


"So, how'd the fight go kids?" you asked. Jaune let out a long groan in response. "That bad, huh?"

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