Chapter Fifty Two

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It was the morning sun that woke you, for once. Not a nightmare, not a partner, just a stream of sunlight striking you across the eyes.

"Hmnfghlhrp," you said as you rolled over, moving yourself out of the sunbeam. It was too early to get up. You didn't know what time it was, but you were awake and didn't want to be, so it was too early. Your scroll buzzed. You rolled back over and picked it up before answering with a, "Hello?"

"Hey, are you alone?" Your sister's voice asked. You opened your eyes and eyed the room around you before sitting up.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" You asked.

"Just wanted to make sure," Your sister said, voice coming from both your scroll and the other side of your door before entering uninvited.

"Oh," you said, hanging up your scroll and dragging yourself out of bed.

"Ozpin needs us. And I think you need a cup of coffee," Joan said.

"Deal. Let me get dressed and I'll head out," you said as you pulled a shirt on. Joan started the coffee pot in silence as you got dressed.

"Any news on your end?" You asked as you entered your kitchen, your cloak wrapped snugly around your shoulders.

"No. Ever since team RWBY grabbed Roman Torchwick it's been nothing but silence. You?" Joan answered.

"Nothing," you lied, "complete silence."

"I was worried you'd say that," Joan said as she passed you a steaming mug. You slammed the coffee, letting your semblance take the heat in stride.

"Let's go. It's too damn early for this," you said as you made your way to the door. Joan followed behind, sipping her still too hot drink.

"It's eleven A.M."

"I said what I said,"


"Goodwitch. Ironwood," You inclined your head as you addressed the professors.

"(Y/N), you seem better since our last talk," Professor Goodwitch said as she addressed you in turn.

"Let's just get this over with. Why am I here?" you asked.

"Professor Ozpin has selected the next fall maiden. We figured it would be prudent if you were here for the process," Ironwood answered.

"Joy," you said, "but I still don't know why I'm here."

"We're worried about traumatizing her, and we thought a friendly face would help ease the process," Joan said, laying a hand on your shoulder. You tensed up, gripping your hand into a fist.

"What are you talking about?" you asked. Professor Goodwitch opened the doors to the headmaster's elevator. You rode in silence. Who was it? Who? Ruby? A silver-eyed maiden would be a powerful pawn. Yang was an option as well. A good team of a potent close-combat maiden and a silver-eyed warrior would be incredibly beneficial to Ozpin. By that logic, it could be any of them. Yang Blake or Weiss. Worse, what if it was someone else? What if they laid that burden on Coco's shoulders, or- The doors rolling open with a *ding* interrupted your internal monologue. Despair washed over you as your eyes landed on the girl sitting at Ozpin's desk. Pyrrha Nikos. You clenched your fist again, turning your knuckles white and digging your nails into your skin. Not her. Anyone but her.


You laid a comforting hand on Pyrrha's shoulder as the elevator rolled downwards.

"Breathe," you said, "just breathe." It did little to suppress the panic and anxiety rolling throughout her chest.

"Where are we going?" Pyrrha asked.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now