Chapter Seventeen

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"Boss, he's waking up," you heard a gruff voice say. You tried to rub your temples only to find that you were tied to a wooden post. With rope. You rolled your eyes as three pairs of footsteps approached. Your whole body still felt stiff, likely from paralysis from the lightning dust.

"Rise and shine, Mr. Arc. We have so much to discuss," an unfamiliar voice said. You looked up to see who was talking. The sun was just starting to rise, which meant that it wasn't too bright. You weren't in a cage, instead simply being tied off to the side of a camp with wooden walls. The gruff voice from earlier probably belonged to the man with red hair currently in front of you who had your weapon slung over his shoulders. Raven stood off to the side with her mask on, and the new voice was a woman with a pair of round chakram. You shot a death glare at the man with your sword.

"Now now, don't be that way. To the victor go the spoils, after all," the woman with the chakram said. You spat in her direction. None were close enough for you to get wet but the message was clear.

"Enough," Raven interjected, "I want to know why you're here. And how you know my brother." You did you best to straighten yourself and look at Raven's face. Well, mask.

"Who?" You asked.

"Don't play dumb!" Raven shouted as she drew her sword and walked over to you. "I saw how you reacted to my name in the middle of the fight, and I recognized that move you used to slow yourself, where you threw your sword behind you before standing on it. You. Know. Qrow." Raven tilted your head upwards with her red blade. "What are you to him?"

"A pet, probably," the woman with the chakram said. The man with your sword snickered at her remark.

"I don't know what you're talking about," You replied. Raven swung across your chest with her blade, cutting deep into your aura.

"Try again," Ravne said, returning her blade to its place beneath your chin.

"I'm his apprentice," You spat. Raven frowned at this.

"You dress like him, fight like him, and drink like him," Raven said as she shook your flask, "I think there's more to it." Raven stabbed your thigh this time, doing even more damage to your aura.

"Alright alright!" You shouted as she returned her blade beneath your chin. "Qrow helped raise me and get me into signal. He trained me and I lived with him during my time there, but that's it I swear. The flask helped with my training and the cloak was a farewell gift but that's all there is!" You panicked. Raven kneeled down next to you, looking into your eyes as she removed her mask.

"(Y/N), is there anything else you would like to tell me?" She asked, red eyes locking with your own (E/C).

"No." You spat. Raven set her sword on the inside of your thigh as she cut deep into your aura.

"No what?" She asked.

"No. Ma'am." You added. Raven stood and passed your flask to the man with your sword.

"He's all yours Vernal." Raven said to the woman with the chakram, who grinned. The man with your sword laid down where he stood as Vernal approached.

"It's (Y/N), right?" She asked as she took a seat next to you. You simply glared in response. "Oh don't look at me like that, I'm not the one who attacked you!"

"You're a bandit," you spat.

"I prefer raider, to be honest. We hit settlements more than caravans." Vernal schootched closer. "I take it you're a hunter in training?" You sighed,


"So was I, once," Vernal said. She offered you a cigarette, which you promptly refused. "If they had told me the stakes when I signed up, I would never have even tried," Vernal continued. You already knew where this conversation was going. "Did you know that the death rate for hunters before graduation is-" you cut her off,

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