Chapter Thirty Seven

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   Joan sat in silence at the table as her brothers and their friends ordered. She had given up on trying to be subtle, she had given up on playing the slow game, the long con, as it were. She simply sat in silence, eyes locked on the Belladonna girl. She was happy for Jaune and (Y/N). She was. But he was getting distracted. They had a job to do.

   "You two have known each other for almost your whole lives?" (Y/N) asked, bringing Joan out of her trance.

   "Yep! We met when we were just kids and we've been inseparable since!" The small red-haired girl replied, barely audible through the stack of pancakes in her mouth.

   "Gods above she can eat," (Y/N) asked in a hushed aside to Jaune.

   "This is nothing. She could drain your bank account if you offered to buy her all she can eat," Jaune replied.

   "Is that a challenge!" The red-haired girl interrupted, jumping up in her seat.

   "No, Nora," Jaune and (Y/N) started at the same time. It was a conversation quickly ignored as Joan turned her attention back to the Belladonna girl. The Belladonna girl who was now missing, having slipped out during the distraction. Joan said nothing. She simply gathered her things and headed for the door.

   "Hey is everything alright?" (Y/N) called after her but she didn't respond. She couldn't have gotten far.


   "Your sister seems... nice?" Weiss asked more than said.

   "Thanks," Jaune replied equally as awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

   "She's kind of a bitch, but she's alright once you get to know her. I think she just has a lot on her mind. But Nora, sell me on this challenge of yours," You said, doing your best to steer the conversation away from Joan.

   "You buy me as much food as I can eat! If I finish it all, I win. If you concede or run out of money, I win!" Nora replied.

   "Okay, but what happens if you can't eat everything?" You asked.

   "Then you win silly," Nora replied.

   "No, I get that, but what do I get if I win. Like, what's the reward?" You clarified.

   "No rewards, just a friendly gamble. Between friends!" Nora answered.

   "Getting to eat the literal contents of my bank account seems like a reward. This is all risk with nothing in it for me," You responded.

   "Then maybe it should be the reward, and there should be a different competition," the boy, Ren, chimed in.

   "Yeah, that makes sense," the girl, Pyrrha agreed.

   "Okay then Nora," you said, "I challenge you to a four versus one fight. All of JNPR versus myself. If you win, I will buy you literal never-ending pancakes until you either throw up, give up or die. And when I win, I want you to stop calling me Jaune's dad."

   "Nora no-" Jaune started before Nora even spoke, doing his best to head this fight off at the pass.

"NORA YES!" Nora interjected, offering me her hand, which I graciously accepted.

"It will be a good chance to see a huntsman in action," Ren added.

"And a good opportunity to see how you hold up against a more vastly experienced opponent," Pyrrha said to Jaune.

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