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For guessing what my twist to this story is

~Gulf's POV~

I slammed my hammer down on that woman's shoulder.

"How! Dare! You! Touch! Him!"

I slammed my hammer down on it with every word I said. This filthy woman touched him.

She is screaming out in pain and coughing from choking on her own tears and saliva.

"I-I'm s-sorry!! W-who a-are you t-talking about!"

She had the audacity to lay her hands on him and then pretend she doesn't know!!??

"You know who I'm talking about! You put your hands on him and now you are going to lie in front of my face!!? How stupid are you!?"

I threw down my pretty blue hammer in anger and went over to my other toys. Hmmm, is she worth me using my shiny new needles?

Of course! He only deserves the best revenge. I won't deny him the pretty mess I'm going to make for him.

"I'm going to need you to be very still...I have to make sure you don't move and accidentally kill yourself faster~" I said in a singing voice.

I dragged her over to the table and strapped her down with restraints. I climbed up over her and laid out my new little needles.

"Do you want to know a special fact about my new needles? The have itty bitty hooks protruding from them. If you were to pull them out, they would also rip off your skin in the process! But just for me, they have the little handles on them shaped like paws!"

I laughed and watched as snot streamed down her face from crying.

"You look hideous....stop crying. Be glad I'm working on you! Not just anyone gets to die by my hands!"

I grabbed one up and looked for the perfect place to start. Maybe her neck will be a good place to start. Just to trigger some fear~

I slowly traced them across her skin near her collarbone before leaving a small trail of them oh so dangerously close to her artery. I don't want to accidentally prick it. That would make a big mess and then I won't be able to see where to hurt her anymore.

"P-please s-stop....it h-hurts......please l-let me g-go...."

Is she stupid?

"Why would I let you go!? So you can try and touch him again!? Once you enter this room....you don't ever leave it alive!!!"

I jammed one needle straight into her neck out of anger and I felt her blood run down my hand. I felt my blood boil.

"You dumb bitch!! Now you've pissed me off even more!! I can't keep making you pretty! You cut your own time short so I'll have to make do!"

I climbed off and jumped down before carefully setting aside my needles and grabbing my other new toys....the set of baby pink surgical knives.

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