Going Back to 'Normal'

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~Mew's POV~

I jerked awake when I heard soft cries fill my ears. I stood up and went over to the hospital bed to hold his hand.

I can't hold him.

I can't hug him.

I can't help him.

I can't take away his pain.

I can't do anything for him.

All I can do is sit here and watch him be in pain while I try to soothe him to sleep so he doesn't tear his stitches.

The second we got him to the hospital, he was taken away from me to enter surgery to help him. I waited in front of the doors they whisked him away to for as long as I could before I passed out from no energy and shock. I was given an IV and a meal to start returning nutrients to my body in the same room my baby was put in after his surgery.

The doctor told me the surgery was successful but he was in a coma due to stress and how much sedation he was given while I was gone. They even told me they took out all 7 bullets that were lodged into his small body and they were properly stitched up with no extreme injuries to his internal organs.

He cries in his sleep but can't wake up even after being here for an entire month. I try my best to soothe him back to rest so he's not in pain.

Which also leads me to worry.

I have to go back to work tomorrow.

I won't be here the whole day beside him.

I can't calm him down if he's restless or soothe his pain.

I won't be here if something goes wrong.

The horrible memory wove it's way into my brain as I recalled the worst thing that could happen to my sweetheart.

~3 weeks ago~

I jerked up and looked all around myself looking for Gulf on instinct. Across the room I saw him laying down in a hospital bed, skin pale and wires connected to his body while a beeping sound resonated throughout the room.

I lifted my hand towards him before I felt a slight tug.

I looked down and saw an IV in my arm, restraining me. I looked at the IV bag it was connected to and saw it was almost empty. I gently pulled the IV out before getting out of the bed with shaky legs and stumbling over to him.

The beeping reassured me he's okay.

He's here.

I didn't leave him alone.

I didn't fail him.

I sniffled and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb hoping to soothe his slumber. I moved stray hairs away from his face and made sure the hospital blanket was secured warmly over his healing body.

My sweetheart...

Wake up when you are well rested....I'm sure you are tired. I'll be right here watching over you. Don't worry about anything.

I gently kissed the back of his hand before laying it on my cheek and watching his chest rise and fall.

I heard a click behind me and turned to see and shocked nurse standing in the doorway.

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