Surprise for Daddy Pt.1

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~Gulf's POV~

I can do it....

I can do this...

I love my daddy so I can do this for him...

I can do this!

He always takes care of me but I want to take care of him too!

I've have been preparing for 2 days for today!

All I have to do is convince daddy to let me go out for most of the day so I can get everything I need!

It should be easy right?


"Pretty please daddy! I just need to buy some things! I'll be in and out! Oh pretty please daddy!"

I've been begging daddy to let me borrow his car so I could shop at the mall. I don't have the things I need here so I need to buy them.

"Tell me what you need to buy and we can go buy them together."

"No! You can't come with me!"

"And why not?" Daddy arched his brow and perched his chin on the palm of his hand while his elbow rested on the armrest of the couch.

Damn it he looks so hot right now!

Focus Gulf!!!

"Because, your baby boyfriend needs to buy private things and daddy can't see them! Pretty please daddy!!!"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before asking.

"How long will you be gone?"

"Ummm...2 hours maybe 3 tops if traffic is bad." I said while scratching that back of my head.

Daddy mumbled something under his breath and then sighed. He got up and walked away so I pouted and looked down at my feet.

Now how am I supposed to surprise daddy?

I was sulking and I saw his feet come into view before my chin was tilted up.

"Your 3 hours start now."

He dropped the keys onto my hand and then clicked something on his phone while I stood there confused.

"What are you waiting for? When this timer is done I expect you back home."

I jumped and kissed his cheek before bolting to the door and slipping on my shoes.

"Love you daddy!! Thank you! I'll be back before you know it!!"

I grabbed my own wallet and blew a kiss to him as he leaned on the wall by the entryway to the kitchen.

"Be careful driving and stay safe. I love you."

I went over to him and pecked his lips before hugging him.

"I will. Love you too."

I kissed his cheek one more time before leaving and going downstairs to exit the building and get into the car.

Okay! First stop, the mall!

Hmmm, would Khun Phi like this one or this one?

Part of my surprise for him is I will be dressed like a pretty butler! So I need a bowtie.

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