Rescue Mission

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You lovelies are gonna hate me so much🙂

Warning for all people about to read this. Have plenty of tissues and don't read certain parts if you don't like violence or death.

~Mew's POV~

How the heck am I so 'lucky' enough to get kidnapped twice under half a year by the same family?

I mean, I think it's my baby boyfriend's family. That woman doesn't ever stop droning on and on about how their luck will change once my sweetheart is back under her control.

I've been in this room for a few days and I know this because I still have my watch on my wrist. I'm not tied to a chair or stuffed inside a cell but locked inside a very nice spacious room but with no windows.

I expected torture, drugging, interrogation but so far.........nothing. They shoved me in here and took my phone before locking the door and leaving.

They give me food but I haven't eaten any of it, no matter how good it smells or looks. I don't know if it's poisoned or not.

I did find out tap water is not that bad. Sure it tastes weird in the beginning but you get used to it after a moment but I only drink a little bit to push off the thirst. Drinking too much tap water can be bad for you.

I miss my baby boyfriend so much...

Is he okay?

Is he eating?

Is he panicking?

Is Guppie out and scared?

Did he leave home?

Is he scared?

All of these thoughts have been in my head since I got here. I worry about my love. Please stay safe baby. I'm doing okay.


"Well, who would've thought it would be you?"

I'm now sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the 'transfer student' in front of me.

"Hmph, at least my cousin has some sense of taste.

"Hmph, at least my baby is skilled enough to beat all of his older cousins." I smiled while perching my chin in the palm of my hand.

He growled and stomped towards me, clearly meaning harm, when I held out my other hand.

"Unfortunately for you, I also know you can't harm me in any way or else you piss off your mom and then you'll piss off my sweetheart and then.....well, I'm sure you know what will happen."


"Hey! Did I say you could talk? No, sit back down and shut up! Gosh you're so rude! I'm so glad my baby is better than you all. I'm such a lucky man! My baby is so perfect and adorable! Hmmm, I wonder how it would feel if I was kidnapped by my precious baby boyfriend? I'm sure it would be a better experience." I wondered.

He got up and stomped over towards me while I kept staring at him. He froze and stared before walking towards me again.

I sighed and held my head.

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