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~Mew's POV~

"Guppie! Bath time!"

I have come up with a solution to bath time. First, I'll make the bath but I'll add in bubbles. So while I wash his hair,his body is covered by the bubbles and then I'll leave while I let him wash his body.

I heard his footsteps come up behind me as I double checked the water temperature.

"Okay, when I leave, I want you to take off your clothes and get in the bath. I'll return with your toys and then I'll wash your hair."

"Otay daddy!"

I left and went to living room where most of the bags of his toys still are.

Bath toys..... bath toys.....bath toys!

I grabbed the toys from earlier and walked back to enter the bathroom again. He's now waiting in the tube while looking at my hands with the toys.

"My ducky!"

I gave him all of his toys while I grabbed a cup to wet his hair. Some fell on his face and he was shocked.

"Daddy! It's waining!"

"It's not raining. It just the water from the cup. Look." I chuckled.

I showed him the cup as I poured it more over his hair.

Once his hair was wet enough, I grabbed some shampoo and started to scrub his head.

"Daddy, Guppie has bubbles in his haiw!"

"Yeah, it's going to make it smell nice. Guppie doesn't want to be dirty right?"

"No! Guppie cwean!"

He kept playing with his toys while I rinsed out hair.

"Okay, when I leave the bathroom, use this to clean your body. When you are done, call me and I'll come help you finish rinsing off."

He nodded his head and I left the bathroom to go to mine and get him a towel and the blow dryer.

I went back to the door and waited for him to call for me.

After what seemed like 5 minutes he finally called for me.

"Daddy! Guppie cwean!"

I opened the door and his entire body is covered in bubbles.

"Guppie! What did you do!?"

"Guppie cwean!"

"How much did you use."

"Guppie use bubbles and now Guppie cwean."

"Guppie...you used too much bubbles. Come on, let's turn on the shower head. It'll help clear the bubbles."

I turned the shower head on and started moving it all over his body. How much of the body wash did he use?

Once he was rinsed off and free of an excessive amount of bubbles, I told him to get out and put the towel on. I turned around and waited for him to give the okay.

"Let's go to your room so you can put on your pajamas and I can dry your hair. Come on."

Once I let him get dressed for bed I made him go to the living room so I can set him down.

"Come here Guppie. We have to dry your hair before bed."

"But Guppie pway!"

"You can watch cartoons while I dry your hair."

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