Talking and Cuddling

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~Mew's POV~

"Daddy, you only have a 8 days before you have to go back to work. What do you want to do for the remaining days?" He asked while tracing patterns with his finger on my chest.

It's only Saturday so I've only been off for a week. We haven't done too much since he got sick the first few days of me having vacation time.

"I just want to stay home with you and do nothing. My baby is my charger. I lost too much energy from being away from my precious baby boyfriend."

I started to assault his cute cheeks with my kisses before he started laughing and trying to roll away from me. We're supposed to be going to sleep but I guess the nap from earlier is messing with my regular sleeping schedule.

We rolled around our bed as we kept playing  together before I managed to trap him under my body and smothered him with my kisses. His giggles filled the air around us before my own joined in with his. However, after a while of playing, his laughs seemed different.

Soon enough, my assumptions were proven correct.

"D-daddy! Hahaha!! No haha t-tickle Guppie!"

"Baby Guppie?"

I turned him flat on his back as his pretty brown eyes were now filled with childlike innocence and laughter.

"Daddy!" He held my face between his hands and giggled.

I chuckled and rubbed our noses together before pecking his forehead.

"Hi baby Guppie."

He looked around himself and soon realized we were on our bed and it was late.

"Guppie and daddy go night night?"

"Yeah, we are going night night. Does my baby Guppie want anything before bed?"

He nodded his head.

"Guppie's dino and Guppie's stuffie dino."

I smiled and kissed his soft cheeks. I got up from our bed and quickly went downstairs to get his things before going back to our room.

"Here baby."

He wrapped his arms around his dino before parting his lips to take the pacifier into his mouth. I got back into bed and pulled him to my chest to start rocking him to sleep.

His eyes were drooping and his head got heavier and heavier before I knew he had fallen asleep.

"Goodnight baby Guppie. Daddy loves you."

I kissed his head and got comfortable before closing my own eyes and went into my own sleep soon after.


"Daddy? Did I go to sleep last night?"

"Of course you did."

" as Gulf?"

"No, Guppie came out. I guess you were really excited and you slipped."


We both woke up together and he didn't seem to have any recollection of us sleeping last night.

I leaned us both up against the headboard and laid him in-between my legs to rest on my chest.

"Can we stay here for a while daddy? I don't want to get up yet."

"Sure baby. We can stay here for a while."

He curled up against my chest and we stayed there for at least 30 minutes.

"Hey baby?"


"I was thinking about considering getting a new job at a different university. I'm getting tired of the other teachers there and I honestly want to go to a different university. I want to find one closer to home and maybe even a better school than the one I currently work at."

"I mean, there's only one more semester before the year is out. You could spend that time looking for a new university and pick one before the school year ends. That way you can quit before going to the new school and not worry about frantically finding a new job as soon as possible. You will have plenty of time to think about it before the year ends."

I nodded my head at his words before deciding it.

"I'm going to find a new university to work at. After this school year, I'm not going back to that one. I'm done there. Thank you for the encouragement baby."

I kissed his lips before his head returned to resting on my chest.

"Your welcome daddy."

I have the best baby boyfriend in the world and no one can ever compare!


We have spent the past 2 days staying in our room laying in bed watching TV or making out, only ever coming out to eat or make dinner.

I don't want to go back to work!!

I want to stay with my baby boyfriend at all times now!!

I want to cuddle him all the time now and kiss his beautiful plump lips that swell every single time we make out. Always so soft and plump.

I don't want my vacation to end!!!

I'll miss my precious baby boyfriend when I return to work.

Time go slower!!!

Let me stay with my baby!



There's a spot that hasn't been marked with my kisses on his neck!

Let me take care of that real quick!

 may not have been that quick...


Sorry for the short update.

My dad took me and my sibling out to watch the new Black Widow movie☺️

Next chapter I might just have him go back to work since I don't really know what else I want them to do for the rest of his vacation 😅

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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