New Found Fear

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~Mew's POV~

"Guppie! I'm going now! I'll be back soon, bye!"


I heard his feet rush over to me before I felt him stick to my side.

"Bye-bye daddy! Guppie good boy fo daddy. Huwy home and and pway wit Guppie!"

"I will. I know you will be a good boy. I have to go now. Bye Guppie."

He gave me one last squeeze before letting me go and wandering back towards the living room.

I left and started making my way to the university.

I'm not ready to see the other teachers.

I'm still mad at them.

What if Gulf had gotten severely hurt?

What is he got sick from the cold and fear?

What if he had tried to leave to find me?

What if he hated me for leaving him all alone?

I couldn't bare for him to hate me.

I sighed and continued my drive to the university. Once I parked and left my car, I started making my way to my classroom.

A few people are early.

I guess the lesson for today does start a little early. It's fine though, I'm just going to be preparing to pass out their notes to fill out while we read along the textbook.

As I was looking over the lesson plan I heard a bunch of noises coming from the students that are here.

"What flavor do you have?"

"Mm, watermelon."

"I've got blue raspberry."

"I think mine's grape."

What are they talking about?

"Mr. Jongcheveevat, have you tried these yet?"

I looked from my papers.

"Tried what?"

They came over and dropped a bunch of packets over my desk.

"Ring Pops!"

"Ring pops?"

"They are a very popular candy right now. Basically it's similar to a lollipop except it's shaped like a diamond and placed in a plastic ring. See."

They showed me it and an idea suddenly came to mind.

"Where did you buy them?"

"You can buy them at any convenience store or a shop in general."

"They have loads of different flavors too!"

"It's also not loaded in sugar!"

I set down my papers and looked at them.

"Why do I feel like you are all trying to convince me to buy Ring Pops?"

"Because we know you like sweet treats!"

I suspiciously looked at them before more students came in with more Ring Pops.

I grabbed up one of the packages and read the label on the back.

Hm, I guess it's not that bad. I wonder if Guppie would like these?

"Actually Mr. Jongcheveevat, we all bought the Ring Pops and other sweets as an end of the semester gift for you!"

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