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~Mew's POV~

"No no wowd!"

"Gulf? What are you doing here!?"

"Guppie name no Gup! Guppie's name Guppie!"

"Why are you talking like that!?"

Didn't I say to wait before you ask questions?

"It's easier to explain if you will take a breath and be patient. Guppie, Mild is friends with Gulf. Mild will still play with you as soon as he gets to know you. Can you be a good boy for me and be patient with him?"

He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Otay daddy, Guppie be good boy."

"Did you just call our professor daddy!?!?"

"Yes and if you just wait and left me explain everything will soon make some sense."

I motioned for him to sit down while Guppie did his own thing by crawling and curling into my lap.

He's probably still a little sleepy.

"Let me put him to sleep first before we begin. Hand me that blanket next to you please."

He handed it to me and I proceeded to wrap it around Guppie before giving him his pacifier.

I gently played with his hair to soothe him before he went limp and fell asleep.

"He's not the Gulf you know Mild. Things have drastically changed for him in the past 2 months. Do you remember the day he got into a fight at campus?"

"Yeah.... didn't he send 3 boys to the hospital?"

"Yes, one of them is still there. The other two are now healing from home. Gulf was raised differently from you and I. He didn't have a childhood at all. From everything he's told me...his parents started training his body at the age of 4."

"F-for what.....l-like..............s-sex?"

"No no no, not sexual training."

"Oh thank god."

"His parents were training him to be a killer.....and they did. They twisted the reality of the world to him....he grew up believing that everyone were killers....and the whole point of life was to never get caught."

I could feel my eyes getting wet.

"They deprived him of affection, a childhood.....of love. He didn't have any of that. After the fight on campus, his parents took him home. This is where I come in. They kidnapped me and brought me to their home. They were planning on killing me to punish him."

"Why you?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"It could be many things. He might have felt something he never received and liked it. It could've been affection, care, kindness, or something else by him just asking for my advice or guidance. I really don't know."

He started moving in my lap as he tried to get comfortable. I rubbed his back once he settled down again.

"His parents handcuffed him to a chair and when they tried to harm me.....he got himself free of them and killed them."

Mild flinched and clenched his hands together.

"Once we were able to get authorities to help us, he was already unstable and confused. They had a psychiatrist look him over and they couldn't put him on trial for murder if he didn't even understand how anything worked in the real world. I waited until I got news from his psychiatrist."

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