Gulf No!!

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~Mew's POV~

"Daddy, pancake?"

"Yes, it's pancakes. Sit down and eat."

He sat down and waited for me to place his pancakes on his plate.

For the past week, he's listened to my warning about sweets and only eats them when I'm home.

"Daddy, Guppie pain today?"

"Yes, you can paint today. Finish your breakfast and then we can get your paint."

He instantly started munching on his pancakes while occasionally drinking his milk.

"Daddy, Guppie done!"

I finished up my food and downed the last of my juice before putting everything in the dishwasher.

"To the living room. Let me find some old newspaper first."

I went to my office and got old newspaper before grabbing his paint and paintbrushes from his room.

I returned to the living room and saw him sitting on the couch waiting.

I covered the table in the newspaper before setting down his stuff.

"Let me get you clean water so you can wash your brushes."

He nodded his head since he has his pacifier in his mouth.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with water before returning to the living and saw Guppie moved to the floor.

I placed it on the table and opened his paints.

"Now, only paint on the paper. The paper on the table can be used to wash your brush and protect anything from getting dirty. You can paint now."

He nodded his head and started doing his own thing while I started grading papers from this week.

Hmm, their grades from this week are kind of lower than usual. I was sure the lessons were easy and simple.

But...these papers are from Monday. The day I left to come check on Guppie's tummy ache.

Hahh, I guess I'll have to redo Monday's lesson then. I'll add that into next week's schedule.

"Daddy, hewe. Fo chu."

He gave me a still wet paper but I still looked at it. It looked to be a field with the sun setting in the background with two people.

"Is daddy and Guppie. We pway. Pwetty sun."

"Yes, we are playing in the pretty sun. Good job Guppie."

He smiled and went back to painting and continued to put his pacifier in his mouth. I chuckled And returned to my stack of papers.

I kept grading papers for almost an hour before I heard a knock.

I also saw Guppie look up from his paint.

He let go of his pacifier to speak.


"Hang on. Let me go check. Stay here."

I set down my papers and went to the door before I heard another knock.

"I know you're in there. Your car is out front."

I sighed and opened the door.

"Bright, you should've called first."

He waltzed in and started speaking before I stopped him.


"Ahhhh!!!!!! Stwanger!!!"

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