Ice Cream

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~Gulf's POV~

How badly I want to find out who harmed my daddy.

I want to find them and hurt them over and over again for hurting him.

Daddy does nothing wrong.

Daddy is sweet and caring.

Daddy is nice and loving.

Daddy is mine.

But daddy wouldn't like it if I hurt someone.

I peeked out from under the blanket to look at his face.

He's sleeping now.

I wonder if he'll have a headache in the morning?

If he does, I'll take care of him!

Daddy takes care of me so it's my turn to take care of him.

I wonder....

I leaned up and ever so lightly pressed my lips to his cheek.

Aow, daddy's cheek is soft, warm and firm.

I wonder how it would feel to kiss his lips?

Would they be soft too?

Would they be warm?

What if I...


I want our first kiss to be special!

I want him to really want to kiss me out of love!

Bad Gulf.

Daddy, hurry up and love me too.

It's okay though. Daddy said he loves taking care of us.

I froze when I felt him move though. Then I felt happy.

He's...hugging me.

Even though I'm taller...daddy makes me feel so small.

He makes me feel safe and secure.

His chin is resting on top if my head and I'm staring at his neck.

Daddy's really warm.

I snuggled into his neck and took in a deep breath.

Daddy smells divine though.

I'm feeling sleepy now.

I let myself relax in his arms and closed my eyes to sleep.


I heard a deep groan which woke me up.

I peeked open my eyes to see daddy clenching his eyes shut and holding his head.



"No, Gulf."

"Okay, Yai Nong. Do me a favor and go to my bathroom. Open the cabinet and bring me a painkiller please. Ughh, my head hurts."

I got up and made my way to his bathroom to get him medicine. I left and brought him a water bottle before climbing back into his bad and opening it for him.

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