Mama and Jom

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~Mew's POV~

"Okay mama. I have his soup but all I need you to do is help keep him there and coax him to eating the whole bowl."

Guppie had situated himself to lay on my mama's chest and hug her. He still looks a bit woozy and pale but it's not a bad as it was yesterday. He still needs some time to get better.

"Baby Guppie, daddy made more soup for you. Can you eat for me? It'll help make you feel better and not be sick."

He whined and turned his head to hide in mama's neck.

"Aww, my sweet baby isn't hungry? Mama was going to make cookies but babies can't have cookies if they haven't eaten their food. I guess I won't make any." Mama sighed.

That got his attention as he peeked up at her.


She pursed her lips and nodded her head.

"But our sweet baby Guppie doesn't want to eat. It's okay. Mama will just wait another day then."

He turned to me and opened his mouth to take the spoonful of soup. As soon as he swallowed it, he opened his mouth again.

My mama has some sort of magical power...

She managed to coax him to eat the whole bowl of soup and then proceeded to keep snuggling up to her.

"M-mama make Guppie c-cookies?"

She smiled and nodded her head.

"The cookies will be here soon. For now, why don't you be a good boy and sleep some more. Mama will stay with you sweet baby boy." She cooed as she brushed her fingers through his hair after she removed his hood from his head.

***Forgot to mention he's wearing a dino onesie like the one he wore with Mew except Mew was wearing the cow***


He looked up at mama with his cute Bambi eyes as they held such childlike innocence and yearning in them.

"Of course. Mama can even sing you a lullaby. Do you want me to?"

Even from here I can see small tears fill his eyes as he nodded and hugged her tighter. She wrapped her arms around him as she rocked him and sang the same lullaby she used to sing to me as a child.

I couldn't take it anymore and got up before going to my room and falling on the floor to lean against my door.

I cried into my sleeves and let out all the frustration....anger....sadness....and sorrow I felt.

How could they do that to him!?

How could they deprive him of affection and love!?

How could they let him suffer as he desperately wanted to feel affection and care throughout his whole life!?

How desperate he might have wanted even the slightest touch of love like a hug or even just an affectionate sign they care for him!?

How could they!?

It's fine now.....I have him in my care.

I take care of him.

I give him everything he deserves and I love doing it.

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