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~Gulf's POV~

Mama and papa are mad...

"Do you know how stupid you were!? You could've exposed us all! You are never going back to that university!! You will stay home and help take on the family business!"


Then I won't be to see him!!

"No!! I'm sorry mama! I tried to control myself but they kept pushing me!"

"That's no excuse!"

"We are withdrawing you from that school!"

"That's not fair!!"

"We don't care! You almost ruined us all! If we were exposed because of your selfish actions, I would beat you and lock in your room until you learned your lesson!"

"But mama-!"

"Enough! Don't talk back to your mother! Go to your room! You aren't ever going back!"

I growled and clenched my hands together.

I won't stop seeing him!!


I stomped into my room and slammed it closed before locking it from the inside. I flopped onto my bed and curled around my pillow.

You can't take him away from me!!

I sniffled and looked around my room.

The walls are painted a light pink with white trimming, I have one huge window my bed faces, my furniture is a mix of pastel colors, my closet off to the side is almost as big as my room, mainly because it also holds my toys. My bed is a soft king sized bed filled with soft fluffy blankets, stuffed animals, a billion pillows and a see through curtain wrapped around it.

I wish I could cuddle with Khun Phi....but he probably hates me now.

I was a bad boy...

He probably won't look at me the same again...

Maybe...I should stay here....then I won't be able to see the disappointment Khun Phi will give me...

Aow, too much thinking.

I'm going to take a nap.

I buried myself under the blankets and pillows before taking a body pillow and cuddling with it. Before I knew it, my eyes were already closing sending me off to sleep.


~Gulf's Mom's POV~

"We shouldn't have raised him like this. He now thinks this is what everyone does. He doesn't know how the real world works. I told you it would be bad if we sent him to school."

He's not even listening to me!

"Dear! Are you even listening!?"

"Did you not see the way Gulf was looking at that professor?"

"The one in the office?"

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