First Time

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~Mew's POV~




I jolted awake and looked around before my eyes settled on my baby Yai Nong.

He's sitting on my waist with his hands on my chest and pouting at me.

"Mm...what time is it?"

"Guppie no know."

Oh, he woke up as Guppie. Okay.... where's my phone?

"Daddy!! Guppie good mowning!"

"Yes it's morning. Baby Guppie, where's my phone?"

He stilled and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

I checked his forehead just to make sure he didn't get sick.


His lip quivered and he started rubbing at his eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you still sleepy? Do you feel sick? Are you hungry?"

"Daddy call Guppie baby!"

Is that why he's acting strange?

"Yes, daddy called you baby Guppie. Do you not like it?"

He frantically shook his head.

"Guppie wuvs it! Guppie happy!"

He plopped down and nuzzled his face in my chest.

I placed my hand on his head and let him get it all out.

"Shh, it's just a name. Breathe baby Guppie. Shhh."

I patted his butt as a way to console him but he pulled back and glared at me.

"Guppie good boy! Why hit Guppie's butt? Guppie no bad boy!"

I burst out laughing and leaned up to nuzzle my face into his neck.

"No, daddy isn't punishing you. Daddy is just patting your butt. I'm trying to make you feel better."

"Daddy no hit Guppie's butt?"

"No, my cute baby Guppie is a good boy. Daddy has no reason to punish baby Guppie."

"Oh otay. Daddy give Guppie mowning kiss kiss?"

"Baby Guppie wants a morning kiss?"

He nodded his head and playfully puckered his lips. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead and then his cheeks.

"Daddy, give Guppie weal kiss kiss."

"No, daddy isn't going to kiss you like that yet. You're not ready for that yet."


"Because, my baby Guppie is still a little baby."

"Guppie has to wait?"

"Yes, baby Guppie has to wait. Come on, let's get you dressed and get breakfast started."

"Otay, daddy cawwy Guppie?"

I lifted him into my arms and took him to his room so he can get out of my pajamas and into clothes.

"I'm going to get ready for work before I make breakfast. Get dressed and brush your teeth before you go downstairs to play."

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