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~Gulf's POV~


This store is so HUGE!!!!

Oh, but there's lots of women here...


I shall protect mama while she shops!

I will help mama obtain any item she wants!

Mama is the best....besides daddy.

"Okay sweetie, stay close to me. These women can't get very crazy trying to get the things they want. Also, don't wander off. You could easily get lost in here. You don't want mama to worry about you right?"

I shook my head.

"No! I will stay by mama!"

"Good boy. Here push the cart while I lead you. Come on."

She went to the front of the cart and grabbed it while I stayed by the handle and pushed.

Jeez, these ladies are crazy!

I shivered and kept following as mama started to get closer to the appliances. The entire aisle was filled with women grabbing and putting back different boxes while arguing and fighting over other stuff.

Mama turned back and held out her palm telling me to stay where I am before her small figure disappeared in the horde of people.

Aow! Please be careful mama!

I gripped the cart tighter and soon mama returned with 2 boxes and put them in the cart before disappearing again.

I observed the boxes and saw one box was a new rice cooker and a new mortar and pestle.

I kept looking around myself and observed all the items on the shelf. Oooh, daddy doesn't have one of these in the kitchen. I grabbed a box that held a bamboo steamer. I could get one so I can at least make pork dumplings.

Mmm, I can already taste them!

I'll buy one!

Ooooh, this looks cool! The jars are so pretty! I'm going to get these too!

Mama returned with 2 more boxes.

"Did you find things you wanted?"

I nodded my head.

"Khun Phi doesn't have a steamer and we have lots of candy from gifts that were given to him before break. I'll buy them and surprise him when he comes home!"

"Okay sweetie. Just be careful."

"I will mama!"

She left one more time and I kept looking around me.

Oooh, these are so cute!

Little animal measuring cups!

I want these too!

Ahhh!!!! Look at the cute cups!!!

I want these too!


Daddy's coffee maker is small and only brews small amounts of coffee! This one is much better! Oooh, and it come with it's own cup!!!!

I'll buy it for daddy!

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