Losing that V Card

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~Gulf's POV~

"I believe we have unfinished business Khun Phi."

"Yeah, I think we do." He whispered breathlessly against my lips.

He left me for just a moment to grab a bag before coming back over to me, grabbing me up and tossing me over his shoulder as he started taking us upstairs.


I'm sure he can feel my boner poking him!

Oh shit!

I'm about to lose my damn V card!

My ass is about to be destroyed and my body split in half!

Ah! The steps are causing me to rub against him!

The difficult journey up the stairs ended and I saw the familiar floor of our bedroom before I felt my body fall back onto our bed.

Mew walked over to the nightstand and put down boxes and bottles of things I have definitely seen before. Condoms and lubricant.

Lots of them.

Even ones that are flavored.

Why the fuck are there flavored condoms and lube???

It's not like my ass suddenly has taste buds.

My thoughts came to a halt when I felt my shirt getting pulled off and lips attaching themselves to my chest, especially my nipples.

My back arched into his lips as his tongue flicked and swirled around my nipple before switching his attention to the other. My fingers were buried in his hair as I moaned at the movements of his lips and tongue. His hands moved all over my sides and occasionally my hips before he started moving down.

He placed a kiss below my bellybutton and put a pillow under my lower back before he ripped off my pants and boxers. He spread my legs just like this morning and looked at me. His hand returned to the spot where he was at just this morning and easily slipped in a single digit. I moaned at the feeling of being filled again as he started to work it deeper inside.

He lips returned back to my upper body as he started leaving deeply colored marks anywhere he could reach. His other hand reached for a bottle of lube as he opened it and coated his fingers once more before slipping in the second finger.

My hands roamed over his shoulders and chest before he reached a sensitive spot and my nails dug into his shoulders.

"Aah! There! Hit it again!"

"Does it feel good when I touch you there?" He whispered.

"Yes! Please! Go deeper!"

He curled his fingers and rubbed them together before he started working the third finger inside.

By now, my entire upper body and parts of my legs have marks that I now adore before I felt kisses so dangerously high on my thighs.

I rocked my hips down against the thrusts of his fingers before his other hand gripped my hip and stopped me. He leaned up and kissed my lips before twisting me on my back. His lips trailed down my spine before I felt his breath get dangerously close to my hole.

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