Saturday Outing

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~Mew's POV~

"It's getting pretty late. I wonder if baby Guppie is sleepy. I should go back downstairs so I can check up on the 3 of them."

I had glanced over to the clock on my desk and saw it was 9. Much past baby Guppie's bedtime.

I got up from my chair and stretched before turning off the lights and heading back to the living room.

Just as I arrived I saw a napping Mild with his head on Boat's lap and baby Guppie nodding off on his legs while Boat just held up his hands when he saw me.

"I'm not going to question anything right now. You two can stay the night in Guppie's room. I'll take care of him while you take care of Mild." I whispered to him.

He nodded his head and I gently walked over to Guppie who was still nodding off.

I gently picked him up from under his arms before he whimpered and clung to my body like a baby koala.

"Let's go night night baby."

He shook his head even though his eyes were closed and his cheek was squished against my shoulder.

"Guppie........pway.........." He softly said as I started walking up the stairs and going into my room.

I pulled back the cover and laid him down before he started whining.

"Shhh, daddy has to put on his pajamas. I'll be right back okay?"

He seemed to accept my words so I quickly got dressed and went back to my bed. Guppie seemed to notice and he moved over to me and climbed on top of my chest and got comfortable. He lips moved as he slipped into his dreams before his finger were unconsciously moving towards his lips.

I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed the butterfly pacifier I keep here for the nighttime and slipped it into his mouth.

I pecked his head and rubbed his back while I waited for sleep to overcome me.

Baby Guppie is such a cute little baby.

Sleep well and have sweet dreams baby Guppie.

Daddy is right here next to you.


"No!!! No touch Guppie's haiw!!!"

I just told baby Guppie after we ate breakfast with Mild and Boat and they had left our place, that we were going out so we could cut his hair.

Which leads to him currently sitting in his cult circle of stuffed animals while covering his hair with a coloring book.

"Your hair is getting long! We have to go get it cut!" I exclaimed.

"No touch!!"

"Listen, daddy will also get his hair cut!"

"No touch daddy haiw!!!" He cried.

"Come on baby Guppie, it'll be okay. Do you trust daddy?"

He nodded his head.

"Do you think daddy would lie to you and take you somewhere you could get hurt?"

"No..." He shook his head as he pouted.

"Then put on your shoes and let's go get our hair cuts."

He looked down at his crossed legs and finally gave a sigh of defeat.

"Otay daddy."

"Okay, let's go now. Come on."

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