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~Gulf's POV~

"Daddy!!" I hollered from the living room, listening as my voice filled the almost silent surroundings.

I heard a door upstairs open and close before the footsteps made their way down to where I am.

"Yes baby Yai Nong?"

Daddy perched his hands on the back of the couch as he leaned over to look down on my face, making him seem upside down to me.

"I'm hungry~" I whined.

He smiled before he leaned down and pecked my lips.

"What do you want for dinner?" He whispered against my lips.


"Mmmm.....I'm going to take you out for dinner. Go get dressed. I have to make.... reservations first."

"Okay." I leaned up and kissed him one more time before he leaned back and let me go upstairs to change.

"Wait! What should I wear?"

I turned back to look at him while hanging off the rail of the stairs with one hand.

"I guess....casual. You don't have to dramatically change your clothes. You'll be beautiful regardless."

I flushed and ran upstairs into my old room to change. I heard him laugh behind me as I ran away from his cheesy compliment.

I opened the closet to start thinking about what to wear.

I guess.....black skinny jeans and a sweater from daddy's closet will be just fine.

I slipped out of my clothes to pull on the jeans before sneaking to our room and rummaging through daddy's closet.


This will be just fine.

I smiled at the pretty baby blue sweater in my hands. I was about to pull it on before I felt warm arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard his husky voice whisper in my ear.


How did my daddy get so fucking seductive while I was just gone for a week!?

"U-umm....I'm borrowing a-a sweater?"

"Hmmm....was stealing my pajamas not enough? Resorting to my clothes now?"

I felt heat rush up to my cheeks as I blushed.

"S-so what if I am?? I'm your baby boyfriend. Can't I wear your clothes?"

"You can......I'm just getting dressed too."

One of his arms left my waist while I reached out to grab a white long sleeve shirt before completely leaving my waist.

I hurriedly pulled his sweater over my head before turning around and watched as daddy was just pulling the shirt over his head.

I gulped a lump down my throat as I watched his back muscles flex while his arms pulled down the shirt.

I've never seen daddy work out or even do things similar to exercise! How the hell is he in such good shape!?

I shook my head and bolted out of our room before going downstairs to put on my shoes.

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