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~Mew's POV~

"Hey sweetheart, I might be a little later than planned. I forgot we needed some groceries. It's not a lot but it'll still take some time."

I kept my phone in place by wedging it between my shoulder and my ear while I sorted through the papers on my desk.

"Oh, that's okay sugarplum! Just don't forget my cake please."

"I won't forget your cake and sugarplum?"

"Do you not like that one? Hmmmm, mi amor?"

"Hmmm, you speaking a different language and calling me pet names is very sexy."

"But not the one?"

"I wouldn't mind if you did it in our bedroom. But no, it's not the one." I chuckled through the phone."

"Aww, dang it. I'll find one, I promise you."

"I know you will baby. I'll see you later. My class starts soon."

"Okay my sunshine. Love you!"

"I love you too sweetheart. Bye."

I ended the call and put my phone away since class will start again in 5 minutes. I can't wait to start my shopping.


Hmmmm, I wonder if I should buy a ring with a diamond or without one?

Like, I won't buy one today but I do want to have an idea about what I want to get him.

Ooooh, this one looks like intertwined branches with flowers blooming along it!

That is neat but not what I want to put on his finger.

Hmmmm, maybe I should get traditional bands and have a design engraved?

What do I want to see on his finger?

When I picture him, what do I see on his finger?

I closed my eyes and began to piece together the beautiful scene....

I've got it!

Now all I have to do is buy some groceries and his chocolate cake!

I'll be home soon love.


~Gulf's POV~

It's been over 2 hours since he got off from work.....he should be back soon.

Maybe he got caught in traffic?

Yeah, he'll be back soon.


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